Chapter 33.

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A/N; Hiya! So I was thinking of calling my fanbase something. Maybe Blazes. Considering the dogs name in my first story. c; But if you have any ideas could you comment below? And also, I don't think I had mentioned, but this story takes place during the early summer. :3 


-Pewds/Felix P.O.V-

Nathan, Cry and I were all playing video games for a while now. It was pretty boring inside, but too hot to go outside. We talked about some activities we could do before we started to die of boredom. 

"Wait, what about a waterpark? Please, guys!" Nathan begged. 

The thought of a waterpark made me happier. I jumped from my seat, applying one simple nod and dragging Cry down the hallway. Nathan ran into his room also, probably to get changed for the waterpark. Ryan seemed a bit reluctant, but gave in anyways. He pulled both of our pairs of swim trunks from his closet, tossing my pair to me. I looked away as he changed. then switching spots shortly after. Nathan started to bang on the door, yelling that he was ready. Cry opened the door, ruffling Nathan's oak brown hair. Ryan and I put a shirt on while Nate already had one. 

After we arrived at the waterpark, I happily paid and all of us walked through the gates. Ryan gasped at the size of the whole thing. Nathan and I ran to the nearest slide, leaving Cry behind. 

"Wait up, dude!" Cry called.

Before both Cry and I could stop Nathan, he gave the worker a ticket and grabbed a raft to go down the slide. The ride was pretty small, so Ryan just let him go. We waited patiently and observed as we watched him slide down into the pool. I glanced around at the wonderful scenery around us. After he exited the waterslide, I had realized something.

Nathan hadn't taken his shirt off at all. I wonder why...

- Cry/Ryan P.O.V-

When I looked over at Felix, his eyebrows were slightly knitted.

"Whats wrong, Pewds?" I asked.

He leaned over, whispering in my ear, "Why doesn't Nathan take off his shirt when he goes swimming?"

I simply just shrugged, watching as he ran to other slides. Avoiding the subject, I chased after Nathan. This time, he begged me to go on the medium sized slide along with him. I gladly accepted, promising Felix to go with him on a slide also. 

After a while, we were all soaking wet and tired. All three of us wrapped towels around our bodies, leaving the waterpark and searching for our car. A few minutes passed, eventually loading into the car and on our way home. Nathan had still refused to take off his shirt, only him and I knowing the background story. Felix drove all the way home, parking the car in our small drive. 

As if on cue, my cell phone rang as soon as I walked inside. I answered it swiftly, noticing that it was an unknown number. A deep voice rang through the other speaker when I held it up to my ear.

"Hello, is this Ryan Terry?" the voice spoke.

"Yes, this is. What can I do for you?" I replied, watching as Nathan and Felix walked into the house.

"Sir, your mother is in prison for battery and drug possession. We need you and your brother Nathan in court as witnesses and proof of the crimes."

(Being Rewritten) Pewdiecry - Our Story.Where stories live. Discover now