Chapter 22.

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-Cry/Ryan P.O.V-

When I woke up, I saw Pewds on his laptop. It looked really similar to mine, wait, that is my laptop! He had iTunes open, listening to my Hollywood Undead songs. He was bobbing his head to the music, hearing a few minutes of each song. I took his hand and scrolled to a new playlist. He seemed curious about it, and it was usually the music I listened to when I was playing video games alone. While playing the list, I opened up Slender. Felix jumped and looked at me with worry.

"You're gonna make me play this damn game! You'll pay for this." said Felix, playfully punching my arm.

I laid back down again, cuddling into his side. His fingers were focused on the keyboard, finding the right controls. Rolling over, I looked at his facial features one more time. His wispy blonde hair fell into his eyes and across his forehead, his beautiful blue eyes were sparkling. I looked away, realizing that I was staring.

Pewds' phone vibrated, and I watched as he glanced at it. One of his friends had asked him to meet at the mall. He just texted back an "ok." and closed the laptop. Disappointment came into my eyes, and Felix grazed his lips across my cheek.

"I'll be back soon, okay? I'll miss you." he mumbled, seeming quite excited.

He jumped up from the couch and went to get ready. Within a few minutes, he was ready and out the door. I yawned and found Blaze to be asleep still, laying in my bed. Since the house was very still, I decided to go somewhere as well. The park wasn't that far of a walk, so that was my best place to go. Blaze woke up when I was about to leave, so I took her with me.

As we were walking, I ran into a few childen. They asked to pet my dog, and I let them. Damn, this dog could get alot of attention. The kids went back to playing and we continued walking. The park wasn't that busy, so I just walked through the whole place. My favorite area, the playground, was where Blaze wanted to go. She pulled against the leash, causing my bad hand to grip her back. Realizing that it was broken, I used most of my strength with the good hand. I slowly walked to the playground, just to find a few kids with their parents, and a couple.

The kids ran to me, of course for Blaze. When I looked at the couple, they seemed a bit familiar. Wait.. no. I shook it off and talked to the kids, also seeing a few parents smile at me. A small child, about eight, tugged on my shirt. When I looked down, she had politely asked for me to play with her and her friends, with my dog.

The playground was big, so I go to walk around with the kids. After being a bit tired, I sat on the bench with them. Two benches were placed next to each other, with the couple on the second bench. That was when Blaze was let off her leash, allowing her to play with the kids They were all jumping around, going down slides, and giggling.

For a moment, I heard a familiar voice next to me. The person had a thick Italian accent and a higher pitched voice. She was discussing YouTube, and thats when my ears perked up. Then, right after, another familiar voice flooded into the air. Obviously being a guy, he had a thick Swedish accent. Looking over, I saw them kissing. No.

This can't be. It was Felix, with Marzia.

Am I dreaming? They pulled away and Felix looked at me with horror. Tears came out of my eyes and the facial expression on his face changed.

"W-Why did you lie to me?" I said, stuttering through my words.

When he came to hug me, I pushed away. My sadness went through me, and I went to get Blaze. I wanna kill Marzia. Felix called my name a few times, and I ran home. Right then, it started to rain. I pulled my hood up to cover my hair and bolted. Fuck everyone.

I got home, locked the door, and slid my back against it. The tears flooded out of my eyes, causing me to soon just move to the couch. God damnit, Felix.

- Pewds/Felix P.O.V-

Marzia made me. I didn't want to. I love Ryan, and I would never cheat on him. After calling his name, he just ran. After he left, I screamed at Marzia and it started to pour. Fuck. I took the path back to the house and hurried for Cry.

I hope he was okay. Cry, please, don't do anything stupid.

(Being Rewritten) Pewdiecry - Our Story.Where stories live. Discover now