Chapter 15.

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-Pewds/ Felix P.O.V-

The words slipped out of my mouth, just like running water.

"Hey Ryan? How long do you think we will stay together?" I said, sounding serious.

He gave me a very serious, yet loving look, and said, "Forever, I promise."


Cry and I had decided to go to the second day of vidcon. We missed the first day, since we just were too lazy to get up and go. We both got dressed, and I seemed a bit curious. Cry didn't wear his mask, for some odd reason. Pondering said thing, I asked him.

"Don't you wanna wear your mask?" I said.

"Nah. I'd rather them actually know what I look like." says Cry.

We got in the car and drove to the VidCon place. When we got out, my bros had flooded over me. They were asking so many questions, and so many comments were made. Damn, there sure were alot of fangirls! When we got inside, we sat at a table to sign autographs. A lot of people seemed to know Cry, and they were asking him for an autograph also. 

A small girl, about the age of seven, walked up to the plastic table. She held up a white canvas, with a tiny lavender unicorn drawing on it. Hospital bracelets were lined up her arm, clearly stating she had a disease. 

"Hello! How are you?" Cry asked, sounding generous.

"Hiya. My older sister used to watch your videos and all, and I wanted to know if you would sign this? I drew this a couple days ago, and it would be an honor for you to sign this. My sister would be so proud!" She said, with a hint of sadness or despair in her eyes. 

We had signed the canvas, and I politely asked her, "So, where is your big sister at, little one?"

She started to stream tears while she choked out, "Heaven. She died of cancer."

-Cry/Ryan P.O.V-

When we got to VidCon, Felix and I had started to sign autographs. A lot of people seemed to know me, probably because of Pewds. I looked over, and there was a small girl, holding a white canvas. She placed it on the table and smiled.

"Hello! How are you?" I asked, flashing a smile back at her.

"Hiya. My older sister used to watch your videos and all, and I wanted to know if you would sign this? I drew this a couple days ago, and it would be an honor for you to sign this. My sister would be so proud." She had said. I didn't know why, but it seemed like she was very sad. 

I signed the canvas first, then passing it to Felix. He signed it, then gently handed it to her. 

Pewds looked at her and said, "So, where is your big sister at, little one?"

She burst into tears and choked out, "Heaven. She died of cancer."

I almost broke, right then and there. Guilt flooded over Felix, and I could feel it radiating off of him.  I pulled her in for a hug, rubbing her head softly. 

"Its okay. She would be so proud of you, okay? Stay strong." I said, crouching down and hugging her once more. Felix had tears coming out, also, taking a picture of me and the little girl.

"Whats your name, friend?" I said.

"Oh, my name is Lily."

Seeing the hospital bracelets going up her arms, the names on them stated otherwise. The bands read, "Courtney." That must've been her bigger sister, most likely. We handed her the canvas and she thanked us. I felt so bad, considering she had to lose someone so dear to her heart. After the incident, we stopped signing things. We went straight to Pewds' car and back home. 

After we were home, Felix just started to cry. He sat on the floor, just pouring tears out of his eyes. I stroked his back and he eventually calmed down. The drawing was imprinted in my mind, reminding me of Lily and her personality. Before she had started to cry, she seemed so happy and bright. The tears soon started to come from me. I stopped after a few minutes, and an idea popped into my brain. 

Maybe we could make a video about them. Or about the experience. Thinking about it, I decided against it. Knowing how upsetting it was, maybe she didn't want people to know. Maybe she masked her feelings, just like myself. The thought stayed in my brain. Maybe she was just like me.


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