Chapter 12.

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-Pewds/Felix P.O.V-

I woke up to see Cry making a video. He was playing the game Haunting Ground, while trying to solve a strategic puzzle in it. I quietly moved the covers off of me, checking the time. 7:30 A.M. Damn! Ryan must not like to sleep in. I made it into the kitchen, pulling out a carton of white eggs. I looked in his kitchen, also finding bacon to make. Two pans were placed on the stove, soon cooking both bacon and eggs.

"God damnit Hewie!" I heard Cry yell, obviously at his game.

After he was done recording, he came out into the kitchen. From behind, he wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his head on my shoulder. 

He quietly said, "What ya making there, Felix?" 

I mumbled, "Breakfast, silly goose." 

He nodded and stood there until I was done. He helped me serve it, and we just returned back into his room. 

- Cry/Ryan P.O.V-

When I was finished with my video, I went into the kitchen. Felix was standing there, making bacon and eggs. I went behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. We exchanged a few words and we stayed in the same standing position. After he was finished cooking, we returned into my room. I sat in my computer chair, placing the bowl in my lap. The computer chair spun around and around, and Felix sat cross legged on my bed. I opened up the video I just recorded, and decided to edit it. Pewds watched from a distance, helping me out with the editing. I finished my breakfast, placing the porcelain bowl on my desk next to my white keyboard. 

Felix snatched my bowl and carried it into the kitchen. He came back with a can of soda, and he leaned down to my face and kissed me. When I pulled away, he smiled and jumped back onto the bed. The video was finally done being edited, and Felix was fast asleep. I mean, it was only 8:00 A.M! He probably wasn't used to being up this early, I guess. For my subscribers, or 'Tear Drops', I chose to make another video. Bored with the games I was playing, I chose to play an Amnesia custom story. I pressed record, and started to play.

-Pewds/Felix P.O.V-

After taking the dishes into the kitchen, I laid back on Ryan's bed. I soon fell back onto the soft pillows, putting my hands behind my head. My eyes started to close, right before Cry was finished editing. My eyes forced to close, and I slipped into a state of serene, peaceful sleep.

I woke up about 30 minutes later, to Cry recording again. He was playing Amnesia custom stories, talking quietly to himself. I rested my head on the footboard, watching him. He didn't turn around, so I just stayed there. The custom story ended, so he stopped recording. When he turned around, he gave a small smile. I caught myself staring at him, since he didn't have his mask on. He snapped his fingers and I came back from my daydreams. Cry laid down next to me on the bed, glancing at his computer.

"Do you mind, helping me edit some videos? I'm bored doing them by myself, so, yeah." He mumbled, looking hopeful. 

"Sure bro, I don't mind! And uh, Cry, I have a question." I replied, looking into his blue eyes this time.

Seeming worried, he asked, "What is it, friend?"

"I was wondering, when do you wanna tell people about, ya know, us?" I said, stumbling through my words slowly, like they were forced.

He shrugged and said, "Tonight, as a livestream?" 

I nodded and we decided to edit some videos. I pulled up a chair next to him, opening his editing program. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and we edited some parts and segments of his videos.

A/N; 400 READS? Omg guys, thank you so much. Just for you, I will post two chapters. I know 400 isn't a lot, but I reslly didn't expect as many for my writing. c: Thank you! c: 

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