Chapter 11.

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- Cry/Ryan P.O.V -

Before I knew what to do, my body took control. His eyes were closed for a small amount of time, and that's when I knew it was my only chance. My lips crashed against his, and I saw his eyes open in shock. He kissed back, with a large quantity of passion. We pulled away after a few seconds, and we were both surprised. I ruffled his hair and gave a small smile. 

"So, you do feel that way? Cause if you do..." He exclaimed, trailing off at the end.

As a reply, I said, "Felix, trust me, I've felt that way for a while. I didn't know how to tell you. And damn, were they difficult to hide from you." 

He smiled brightly, and we kissed once more. I glanced at him, and he entwined his fingers with mine.  I sat cross legged on the floor, with him following shortly after. I checked the time, seeing it was almost 11:00 P.M. Felix seemed sleepy and worn out, so I chose to say something.

"Wanna catch up on sleep Felix? You seem really tired and I mean, you didn't sleep at all yesterday." I whispered, watching as he closed his eyes. He was asleep before he could respond, so I picked him up bridal style. I kicked my door lightly, so it would open, and carried him to my bed. When Felix hit the bed, he started to snore.

"Good night, Felix. Sweet dreams." I said, kissing the top of his forehead. The door closed after me, and I gave a small smirk.

I went into the living room, plugging my green and black earbuds into my iPod. Scrolling through my music, I found the song Rain, by Hollywood Undead. I put the song on repeat and laid down. The lyrics ran through my head, like I've heard it a million times.

*I don't mind, no I don't mind the rain. The simple things and subtleties they always stay the same. I don't mind the rain, like a widows heart we fall apart and never fade away...*

The lyrics played on in my head, while I paused the music. My mouth started to move, singing word by word of the first few lines. Then, as if it were magic, it had started to rain. Why was it so damn rainy these days? The small raindrops covered the sliding glass door, then sliding down to the bottom. I watched each one, and after a while, I saw Felix standing there, hearing me sing. 

- Pewds/Felix P.O.V -

I woke up, finding myself in Ryan's room, in Ryan's bed. I heard the raindrops patter down onto the roof, and small muttering throughout the house. It seemed to get louder, and it seemed like Cry's voice. Curiousity got the best of me, and I walked out to see what the noise was. There he was, singing like an angel. He was watching the raindrops on the glass door, singing three lines over and over again. He looked up, and saw me standing there. I smiled, realizing how embarassed he was. 

Stuttering, he said, "O-Oh, hi, F-Fe-Felix. How long were you-"

"Long enough to know how wonderful you are at singing. Don't be embarassed, Cry. You have the singing voice of an angel." I said, cutting him off at his last words. 

He smiled, losing the rose red blush that formed in his cheeks. We both traveled down the hallway into his room. Before bed, I went into the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle. As soon as I came back, Ryan had made room for me, also supplying another blanket long enough for both of us. I sat down, and he had covered me with the blanket. The soft white plush rubbed against my skin, feeling automatically warm. We scooted closer together, and he turned my head to face him. He leaned in, and kissed me softly.

"Felix, please stay here. If I have nightmares, I want you close by." He muttered, after leaning away. 

I nodded and put my arm around him. I heard him snoring within a few seconds, and I passed out within two minutes. 

A/N: Hai. So if I don't update as much, its cause of school this week. The weekend is when we have 3 days off, so I should at least get 4 chapters added on to the ones I post this week. I hope you like it so far! c:

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