Disclaimer this story is not mines I thought about how not many people know about Fanfiction.Net and the cool stories that are on there so I thought it would be a good idea to put them on here
this story was by TheSliverBoar on Fanfiction.Net
Nine hundred ninety-eight." Ash grunted, faint sweat on his skin from doing handstand pushups "nine hundred ninety-nine. One thousand." Grunting, the eighteen-year-old Ash gave one last hard push and flipped up onto his feet. "Well that was a good morning warmup." He grinned, having long ago gotten used to the fact that he never seemed to really get tired.
Ash, breakfast!" his mom called from downstairs.
"All right!" he grinned, tossing on his hat as he vaulted over the railing to land on the first floor.
"Must you always do that?" his mom sighed, having long ago gotten used to him doing stuff like that.
"Of course he must!" his dad, Bruno, laughed out boisterously, his dad having come back from the League to see Ash off on the first day of his journey.
"Boys." His mom just sighed, placing large stacks of pancakes before them both.
"Thanks!" Ash and his dad exclaimed together, happily digging into the food with gusto as his mom laughed fondly.
"So Ash, who do you want as a starter?" his dad asked between bites of fluffy pancake, his mom eating more…sedately.
"Don't know." He grunted out, determined to eat more pancakes than his old man "They're all awesome!"
"Not gonna be a fighting specialist like me?" Bruno grinned, playfully ribbing Ash even as they reloaded their plates.
"I don't want people to be able to make a strategy against me so easily." He taunted, "All anyone needs is a bird or a psychic type and you tip like a milktank old man."
"Oi!" Bruno pointed a fork at him challengingly, "Them's fightin words!"
"Bring it ya limp noodle!" Ash grinned, butting heads with Bruno, "All I need is a pidgey and you're toast!"
"Boys!" his mom scolded playfully "Play nice or no more pancakes."
"Yes ma'am!" he and Bruno panicked, quickly turning back to the food as his mom smirked in smug satisfaction.
-Twelve stacks of Pancakes later- [At Professor Oak's Lab]
Ash, you're running a little late." Professor Oak frowned when he walked inside, Gary and the other rookie trainers already having their new Pokémon out and getting to know them. "
First, a Ketchum is never late, nor are they early. A Ketchum arrives exactly when they mean to." He smirked "Second, one does not simply ignore Momma Ketchum's pancakes!" a series of deadpans from the professor and the other rookies was his only response.
"Well Ash," the professor sighed "since you're late you won't get a choice on your starter, I've only got one left that came in from the breeder." Going over to a box, the professor took out the last ball and tossed it over.
"Ha, bet the loser just gets a pidgey." Gary chuckled to the other rookie trainers, some of the ones who were groupies to the Oak name laughing out. "
Come on out!" Ash tossed the ball skyward as it burst open to reveal a Pikachu, sparkles bursting out as it landed, spiky ears perked up. "Holy Arceus, a shiny!" he exclaimed as Pikachu looked smug "And it's a spikey ear too! That's freakin awesome! Up top Pikachu!"
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"Pika!" eagerly, the shiny Pikachu leapt up onto his shoulder and slapped his open palm with its tail.
"Are you kidding me?!" Gary yelled out, looking more than a little angry at not getting a shiny, much to his Squirtle's indignation.
"Got that right Gare-Bear." He smirked, "So much for me being a loser. Pikachu and I will be sure to crush the league."
Pika!" the shiny mouse cried out just as eagerly.
"Hoorah!" he shouted, getting his Pokéballs and Pokédex from a stunned aide before taking back off for home.
"Ash!" Bruno cried out happily, "I see you've got your-holy fighting type you got a shiny?!"
"Yes!" his mom cried out, cackling as she pointed at some of the neighbors whose kids had also started journeys "My boy has a shiny as a starter! SUCK IT!"
"On that note, it's time for me to head out to kick names and take ass." He grinned, pulling his parents into a bear hug as they gasped for air.