Part 37: Cookie loving Kingler

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-Leon Smeon, Ash Ketchum is where it's at!-

Walking out onto the arena, Ash waved to the cheering crowd, his face still covered in kiss marks that the girls had given him while in their special cheerleader outfits they got for his league matches. Across from him was 'the Great Mandi' or 'Mandi the Astounding' or something else like that, who was apparently a favorite to win the Indigo league this year.

"Alright everybody and welcome!" The announcer declared happily over the roar of the crowd, "We have a great opening match for you here today! In the Red corner we have the Astounding Mandi! An early favorite to win the Pokémon League and an all-around crowd pleaser with his exciting battle style!" the pink shirted guy Ash had thought was a juggler waved to the crowd while smirking.

"And in the Green Corner, we have Ash Ketchum! The Shiny King! Champion of the Orange Islands! Record setter and the son of Bruno himself! Accompanied by his two girlfriends! Show him how you feel folks!" the crowd cheered louder making Mandi scowl.

"THAT'S MY BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOY!" the ever-eager voice of his dad, Bruno, shouted out from the stands, the muscle bound elite four member wearing the first shirt Ash can ever remember seeing him in as it was a 'Go Ash' T-shirt, complete with soda-drinking baseball cap and foam finger.

"Hi Dad!" Ash waved happily, "Hi Mom! Hi Mimey!"

"We are in the middle of an important battle!" Mandi snapped irritably although Ash had no idea why. Maybe the guy stubbed his toe this morning?

"Trainers, send out your Pokémon!" the referee ordered.

"Go, Kingler!" Ash sent out his crab buddy who, as always, declared his requests for cookies.

"Go, Exeggutor!" Mandi sent out the happy psychic plant who paused its dancing to look up at the Kingler who stood two feet taller than it.

"COOKIE!" Kingler shouted, slamming his giant claw on the water as a wave-soaked Mandi and Exeggutor.

"Alright buddy, win this and I'll have mom make you some Chocolate Chip cookies!" Ash promised as Kingler's eyes lit up with unholy fire.

"COOKIE! COOKIE! COOKIE!" Kingler began his war chant as Exeggutor looked nervous.

"Let the match begin!" The referee declared.

"Cookie!" Kingler whacked Exeggutor on the head as all three coconut faces passed out.

"Exeggutor is unable to battle, Kingler is the winner!" the referee declared while said crab waved to the audience. Ash could hear his mom demanding someone bring her an oven to make cookies immediately. "Trainer Mandi, send out your next Pokémon."

"Go Seadra!"


"Seadra is unable to battle, Kingler is the winner! Trainer Mandi, send out your final Pokémon!" the ref ordered. Ash meanwhile was joining Kingler in his war dance, the smell of baking cookies wafting down from the stands.

"Prepare to face my ace Pokémon! My strongest partner! The one who started my journey and will win this for me! GO! GOLBAT!"


"Golbat is unable to battle! Kingler is the winner! Victory in the match goes to Ash Ketchum!"

"Yahtzee!" Ash cheered as he scooped up the girls, "Come on Kingler, it's cookie time!"


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