Part 25: Shiny God wins his first badge in the Orange League

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-Ash Ketchum: Awesomus Badassicus Foreverus (Scientific Name)-

-[There, you got an intro for Ash, you happy?]-

Grinning, Ash walked to where the gym was, an arm around each of his girlfriends who were dressed in sexy lifeguard costumes. Glancing over, he saw a coconut laying on the ground with what was clearly a bucket of water attached to it in the tree. " that supposed to be a trap?" Ash asked the girls who were just as dumbfounded as he was at how pathetic the attempted trap was...and why there was one to begin with.

"Dang it! You weren't supposed ta see it!" a little kid stomped out from behind a tree while sulking. Said sulk was quickly turned to yelps of pain as woman walked over and started pulling on his ear.

"Senta! What have I told you about trying to prank my challengers when you're supposed to be doing your homework!" the woman scolded the kid who was pleading to be let go. "I'm so sorry about him, he's a bit of a brat." The woman smiled at them pleasantly, completely ignoring the struggling kid she was holding in the air by the ear.

"It's no issue." Amy smiled.

"Yeah, the prank was kinda simple and easy to spot which makes sense if a little kid set it up." Giselle nodded.

"I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet town, and I came here to ear my Coral-Eye badge." Ash grinned and stepped forward.

"Names Cissy," the gym trainer shook his hand pleasantly "come on in. You're from Kanto right?"

"Yeah, how could you tell?" Ash asked as he followed the woman inside to a building with a really nice pool."

"Accent, it sticks out." Cissy smiled and dropped her squirming little brother over by a series of controls "Now, our gym works differently than those back in Kanto. To win my badge you have to beat me at two tasks. The first is an accuracy contest between two water types using water gun and then a wave race on the backs of our Pokémon. Make sense?"

"Sounds fun to me!" Ash grinned as Cissy returned it, "Now that's what I like to hear! Go Seadra!" the evolution of Horsea appeared in the water.

"Nice! Ash gave Cissy a thumb's up, "It looks tough! I'll use Kingdra!" he sent out Seadra's shiny evolved form.

"...Holy Fuck, I'm battling the Shiny King." Cissy gaped before laughing, "About time I got an actual challenge! Senta! Bring up the cans!"

"On it sis!" the little kid pushed a button as a row of cans were brought up by the wall.

"Alright Ash. I'll start shooting from the left to the right, you go right to left. You win if you shoot more cans than I do." Cissy explained as she got her Seadra ready, Kingdra doing the same. "On your mark...get set...go!"

"Dra!" Ash's Kingdra started firing water guns at a rapid pace, getting a little over three fourths of the cans itself.

Cissy and her Seadra gape before letting out a sigh, "Damn, good match Ash. We'll have to step up our training. Onto the wave race then." The group walked outside with Senta complaining about how his sister should have won...until said sister started scolding him that was. Ash was just enjoying the praise from his girlfriends.

"Alright, rules?" Ash asked as they got to the shore. "We each get on the backs of a water Pokémon, go out to that buoy, loop around it, and come back. I'll be riding my starter, Blastoise!" she let out the large turtle Pokémon.

"Nice!" Ash grinned, "I'll go with Kingler!" his crab Pokémon made chittering noises as he walked onto its head and the crab walked out, actually walking on top of the water.

"What the fu-...Nope, never mind, not even surprised. Let's do this!" Cissy cheered before they both took off, Blastoise swimming as fast as it could while Kingler just ran across the water without any issue, making it back to shore just after cissy rounded the corner. "Damn, I really need to step up my training. Good race Ash." Cissy offered him a high five when she got back, "Here's your Coral-Eye badge. Be sure to swing by next time you're on the island so we can have a rematch."

"You're on! Catch ya later Cissy! Do your homework Senta!" Ash grinned and waved as he and the girls walked away.

"You're not the boss of me!" the little kid shouted at his back.

"No but I am. Move it buster!" at the order from his sister, Ash could hear Senta scurry away.

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