Part 32: Is this man even a trainer anymore

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-Gary: Does he even count as a trainer?-

Scuttling through the woods at the mainland, Gary snarled as he tried to find a new Pokémon he could catch without having to battle it. After those pathetic traitors had abandoned him, Gary had been forced to sneak onto a garbage boat to get back to the mainland and now he was hiding out in the woods. But what to do now?

"Wait, I've got it!" Garry slammed a fist into his palm eagerly "Team Rocket! They give all their grunts Pokémon. I can join team rocket, get a bunch of new Pokémon, show those bastards who dared mock me their place, and then take down team rocket from the inside! I'll be a Hero! Gary you genius you've done it again." After a short victory dance for himself, Gary set out to where Viridian City should be. He remembered hearing that Viridian was where most of the Rockets were spotted so it was likely their base. He didn't feel the need to check the news on that to see if it had changed, the news was for unimportant little people. People like Gary Oak were the news.

"Now...which ways is Viridian?"

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