Part 41:A nosebleed victory + Gary Oak's torture pt.4

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"And here we are Pokémon fans! This is the final entry round battle for Ash Ketchum, the shiny king, and Jenette Fisher! A Kanto small town heroine! Who will win, who will go further in the tournament? Are we facing the newest Kanto League Champion?!"

"Go Jenette! GO!" His opponent's cheer squad shouted happily.

"GO ASH! GO!" everyone else shouted just as eagerly.

"Good luck Jenette!" Ash waved happily to his nice opponent who happily waved back. It was so great getting to meet fun loving trainers like this!

"Trainers, send out your Pokémon!" the ref ordered, the man all smiles having gotten Ash's autograph before the match.

"Go Beedrill!" Jenette struck a pose as she sent out her bug.

"Hey, you have one too? Let's make this a Beedrill battle! Come on out buddy!" Ash sent out his evolved Beedrill who struck a pose, even as their opponent's bug got hearts in its eyes.

"Begin!" the ref shouted only for Jenette's Beedrill to pass out via nosebleed while Ash and his Beedrill just blinked confused.

"Um...Beedrill is unable to battle. Shiny bigger beedril is the winner...please actually battle next time." The ref declared as Jenette returned her black and yellow bug.

"Go Scyther!" Jenette sent out Pokémon number to.

"I'll sent out my Scyther too!" Ash happily sent out his own blade bug...NOSEBLEED!

"WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!" the ref demanded before coughing, "I mean, uh, Scyther is unable to battle! Shiny Scyther wins! Trainer Jeanette, send out your final Pokémon!"

"Go Bellsprout!" Jenette sent out her final Pokémon who struck a pose.

"...Um Muk?" Ash decided to avoid a triple nosebleed knockout.

"Sprout!" the twitterpated bellsprout shot all the way into Jenette's cheer squad.

"Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. Bellsprout is unable to battle, Ash Ketchum is the winner."

-Bary, no that's not it. Lary? No, that's wrong to. Loser McLoser-face. Yeah, that's the one-

"Even the King's Pokémon are heartthrobs!" Gary heard a guard laugh happily, "I'm making bank on this!"

"Seriously? He's the favorite to win. The odds would barely let you win a dime!" guard number two exclaimed in shock.

"I bet on him to win the league after he won his first Gym Battle." Guard the first responded smugly, "Saw his battle with Brock when I was in town and bet my life savings on him to win the league! I'm gonna make millions! Millions! This kid is the best thing to happen to Kanto ever!"

"He's not that impressive." Gary snarled at the guards while he sat otherwise alone at his table, the other inmates not allowed near him in case they unfairly attack him...again.

"Remind me to have the warden sign this one up for therapy. He's delusional." Guard one muttered to guard two.

"I can hear you!"

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