Grinning excitedly, Ash walked down the streets of Pewter City. After getting past some weird hobo wanting to charge him for standing on a boulder, he managed to get down to the main part of town. Walking inside the Center, he smiled to the pretty pinkette behind the counter, "Hey Nurse Joy!" he smiled, walking forward as the nurse waved happily, "Wanted to know if you could give the team a look over."
"No problem Mr. Ketchum," the nurse took his team with a smile "and I've been looking forward to your visit. My sister you saw last week told all of us about you and your team of shinnies."
"Thanks Nurse Joy," he smiled happily, "I'm going to go make some calls."
"Have fun Mr. Ketchum!" Nurse waves him off as he goes to call his family and get his team swapped out for the upcoming gym battle against the rock type Gym Leader. An hour later, team prepared, he threw open the doors to the rock gym…which was, in itself, a giant rock.
"I'm Ash Ketchum of Pallet town!" he called out into the gym, "And I'm here for a battle!"
-Hall of Legends…again-
Frowning, Arceus looked about the hall of legends, now full of every legendary and mythical Pokémon in her creation. "Alright you lot," she frowned and pointed at the viewing pool "this is Ash Ketchum. I gave him the blessing of aura when he was a child after getting a vision of an impending event. I recently learned that Giratina gave his Pikachu a blessing as well. Now I need to know if anyone else gave him or his team a blessing?" one by one all the legendaries start saying that they saw potential disasters and gave Ash or a member of his team a blessing.
"Pikachu, use thunderbolt!" Ash calls out, causing all eyes to look back at the viewing pool to see the small electric Pokémon hit an onyx with an attack so strong it overpowers the ground typing and knocks it out.
"Rrrrrgh, GO GEODUDE!" the frustrated Gym leader called out, sending out Pokémon number two.
"Magicarp, use tackle!"
"Duuuuude!" one rock type embedded in a wall later and the chosen one has won a gym badge.
As the rest of the sheepish legendaries all left to go back to their own domains, caves, and random towers, Arceus and Giratina looked at each other and nodded, once more taking their human forms and teleporting down to earth. They had each called dibs and nobody else would get a chance to get that chosen one booty.
-Ash…again. Methinks there may be a pattern here-
Blushing up a storm, Ash went to go collect his team from the Nurse Joy at the desk, wanting them checked as his magicarp had evolved into a Gyarados after tackling Brock's geodude into a wall. While he waited he had found himself between two other girls who seemed to be competing on who could make his blood enter a civil war about whether to go north or south.
One, Amy, had golden hair and tanned skin. The other, her sister Giselle, had pale blonde hair with blue highlights. They had been flirting with him constantly and when he said he was going up to the desk to pick up his team they had each kissed a cheek.
"Having fun Mr. Ketchum?" Nurse joy asked with a teasing smirk, tapping her cheek as he looked in a mirror to see two kiss marks on his cheeks, one gold and the other bright blue. Whipping off the lipstick with a blush, he collected his Pokéballs and prepared to head back out, needing to pass through Mount Moon to get to Cerulean city next.
Oooooh! Shiny
FanfictionDisclaimer this story is not mines I thought about how not many people know about Fanfiction.Net and the cool stories that are on there so I thought it would be a good idea to put them on here this story was by TheSliverBoar on Fanfiction.Net