Part: 15 : Ash is pissed off

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-Ash, he of the six badges-

"...This is some Tauros shit." Ash scowled as he looked at the burnt-out wreckage of the Cinnabar gym.

"Old Blaine gave up om this town." An old noodle cart owner sighed sadly, having shown them to where the old gym, "Burnt it down and walked off one day."

"He's still collecting paychecks as Cinnabar gym leader from the league." Ash scowled, having always taken pride in his dad's job with the league and hating someone screwing over that league.

"...Ash's pissed." Amy saw his expression.

"...Angry Ash is hot." Giselle nodded.

"Well if that's true and you find Blaine then give him a good kick in the arse for old Betty!" the noddle cart owner nodded, pushing their cart off to continue selling food to tourists.

"Well girls, let's explore town." Ash clapped his hands together, "We have tourists traps to set off and a piece of shit to get a badge from."

(Also sorry for not posting in a while school sucks I'll try to post more in the future

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