Part Three: Lets see how Gary is doing

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-Garry Oak, ponce extraordinaire-

Scraping off a bunch of pidgey shit from his, now likely ruined, shoes, Gary Oak swaggered into the Viridian City Pokémon center. Striding inside, he strutted up to a deadpanning Nurse Joy and gave her a wink. Women loved an Oak, or at least that was what his dad had always told him. "Heyya toots," he grinned roguishly "heal up my team, would ya?" giving a flirty click of his tongue as he made finger guns, Gary backed up towards the video phones to call the old man.

"Ah, Gary." The old man smiled, "I was hoping you'd call when you got to Viridian."

"Yep, future champ in the making here!" he grinned, "I caught a pidgey on my way over and it'll be a powerhouse! So, how many Pokémon did Ashy-boy fail to catch?"

"Actually, Ash left Viridian city hours ago and has already caught a Pidgey, a Spearow, a ratatta, an oddish, a bellsprout, a male nidoran, a female nidoran, a magicarp, a poliwag, a caterpie, and a weedle. All of them shiny to boot!"

Gary_Asshole . exe has crashed, please initiate reboot sequence.

"Oh dear, I broke him." The old professor sighed, "Daisy! I think I broke Gary…again."

(I don't think Gary is ok)

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