Eyes wide and wild, Gary limped into Celadon. His clothes were ripped, his bag almost empty of food, and his team all unconscious in their balls. Grunting rather than speaking, Gary limped into the center and the Nurse, after an initial grimace, sent him to go get showered in a room and took his Pokémon, fussing over the useless lumps.
Once cleaned, but back in his last pair of dirty and ripped clothes, Gary limped down to the galley and wolfed down the free food for trainers, ignoring being called up for his team as he focused on filling his gullet. Half an hour later he took the balls from the glaring nurse, the pink airhead ranting about him not coming when called or something, in all honesty Gary had tuned her out as soon as she started yammering.
Getting to the video phones, Gary punched in the number for the Oak Lab. "Coming!" the old man's voice shouted from off screen as the call connected. "Hello Gary- HOLY ARCEUS WHAT HAPPENED?!" Old Man Oak walked into view only for papers to go flying as his grandpa grabbed the video phone.
"…Tauros." Gary grumbled, looking away from the screen.
"A Tauros attacked you?" the professor gaped, "Did you report a wild Pokémon attacking trainers? And why did it attack you?"
"Because it was dumb." Gary crossed his eyes and sulked, any Pokémon that didn't want to be trained by Gary Oak had to be stupid.
"Well why haven't you changed into clothes that aren't torn apart?"
"…These are the last set I have."
"Why haven't you used your battle winnings to get more?"
"…I haven't won since I beat Surge."
"…You need money don't you?"
"Damnit Gary."
-Ariana: Seduction attempt one-
Glancing at her phone, Ariana checked the image of her target to make sure she was going after the right one. Positive, Ariana smirked and slipped into her room on the cruise ship to Cinnabar Island, having hacked the system to make sure her target got the room across from her. Going through her wardrobe, she changed into the flimsiest bikini that would be allowed on the ship and covered herself with a robe. She had studied her target intently and knew he was likely to head up to the pool with the two girls he travelled with.
Heading topside, Ariana sauntered over to a deck chair and laid down, sliding her robe off her shoulders so it hung off her, exposing smooth skin and a tight bikini. Ariana saw dozens of eyes lock on her and she let a small smirk adorn her face. She saw two husbands get slapped by their wives, at least a half dozen teenagers, and a waiter stumble and drop his tray. Her target…why the fuck wasn't he looking damnit?!
Her target in question was rubbing suntan lotion on the girls he travelled with, focused on only that. Eyes narrowed, Ariana sauntered over, hips swaying. "Hey there," she smiled at her target, leaning forward to give him a more than generous view of cleavage "think you can help me with my suntan lotion too?"
"Huh?" the trainer looked up in confusion as his hands still worked the lotion into the girls, said sisters looking at her with narrowed eyes.
"I'm here by myself," she let a little pout on her lips as she shifted, "And I need some help getting the lotion on. You did such a good job with these girls I'm sure you could help a woman out."
-One hour later-
Screaming into her hands, Ariana lay on her bed. Ketchum was oblivious as a brick! She couldn't just outright throw herself at him and start kissing him like the girls had apparently done to earn his attention. He was already dating a pair of sisters so she had to be overt and careful so as not to just cause strife, but the damn shiny magnet just wouldn't take a hint! "Mark my words Ketchum, I will win!"
-One week later-
"Later Ariana!" her target waved as he got off the ship, "Good luck with your business trip!"
"By Ash!" Ariana waved, screaming inside in sheer frustration. The bikini plan had failed.
Wearing a dress with a plunging neckline at dinners? Failed.
Asking the Ash for a massage after she had 'hurt her back'? Failed.
Asking Ash for his opinion as she modeled different clothes? Failed. Plan, after plan, after plan! Ash Ketchum just never got the hint!
"You were a worthy adversary." Amy, one of the sisters her target was dating, nodded to her.
"But seduction doesn't really work when we can keep him sated." Giselle smirked.
"We appreciated your sportsmanship though." Amy nodded.
"So thanks." Giselle waved goodbye as the sisters caught back up with their boyfriend.
"This isn't over." Ariana hissed, gripping the railing, "I will win!"

Oooooh! Shiny
FanfictionDisclaimer this story is not mines I thought about how not many people know about Fanfiction.Net and the cool stories that are on there so I thought it would be a good idea to put them on here this story was by TheSliverBoar on Fanfiction.Net