Part twelve: Update on Gary then back to Ash

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"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Gary screamed as he ran from the angry Tauros that was chasing him. "HOW DARE YOU TREAT AN OAK LIKE THIIIIIIIIIS!"

"MOOOOOOOOO!" The Tauros continued attempting to gore him.







"HEEEEEEEEEEELP!" Gary kept running as the Tauros knocked aside the rest of his Pokémon. He had found the wild Pokémon and decided to add it to his team but instead of being honored, like the damn thing should have been, it took offense to him! "I HATE MY LIFE!"

-Ash, Mark-Twain-

Strutting into the gym, Ash and the girls ignored the hordes of sweaty psychics trying to bend their spoons until one of them approached. "Who dares enter this gym?!" the man boomed, trying to be intimidating.

"A trainer." Ash deadpanned as the man brandished the breakfast spoon in his face.

"Pah!" the psychic wearing what looked like hospital scrubs and a medical face mask scoffed, "Pokémon battles. Here we train in true power! Psychic Power! BEHOLD!" the man grunted and glared at the spoon as it glowed faintly before bending a centimeter.

"Yeah, yeah, you're spoopy." Ash rolled his eyes and pinched his pointer finger and thumb together as the spool glowed like a lightbulb and got crushed down to the size of a tick tack "Now, I have a battle to win. Go on, shoo!"

"YIPE!" the various psychic students scrambled away in fear at the effortless display of power.

"…Not even surprised anymore." Amy sighed after a moment.

"Not even a bit." Giselle agreed.

"Let's win this!" Ash cheered and flicked his finger at the double doors, psychic power knocking them open as he saw the gym leader Sabrina sitting on a throne with a tiny version of herself sitting on her lap.

"Hello." The tiny version tilted its head and gave a creepy smile while the big one sat blank.

"Hi!" Ash grinned, "I'm here for a battle. Go Primeape!"

"You're silly!" the tiny Sabrina giggled as she tossed out a Pokéball to reveal an Alakazam "Mr. Spoony, let's play!"

"Karate Chop!"

"Zam!" a now very dizzy Alakazam falls to the ground with swirly eyes and headache to end all headaches.

"Booooo!" tiny Sabrina pouted, "That was too quick!"

"That's the only thing he does that's quick." Giselle muttered to Amy as his ego swelled a bit.

"You need therapy." Ash walked over and poked the big Sabrina "Boop." The little Sabrina faded away as the big one looked about in panicked confusion.


"Hi." Ash just waved cheerfully.

-Archie: theft attempt-

Watching a dazed and bedraggled Sabrina see off his target and the target's girlfriends, Archie observed them. Smirking, he pulled out a switch and pressed it as a wired vehicle malfunctioned and crashed, severely blocking the main route back to the Pokémon center and causing every emergency responder in the city to rush to the accident.

"Just like I planned!" Archie snickered to himself as the target was forced to take an alternative route back to the center through the seedier parts of town. Waiting till they were in the worst part of town before he sent out his Wheezing, Golbat, and Houndoom. "Get him!" he yelled, charging as he debated what sort of fun he could have with the two girls after he knocks out the trainer and tacks his dex and balls.

"Pika!" a tiny Pikachu blasts out with lightning, sending Golbat into Houndoom, Houndoom into wheezing, wheezing into himself, himself through a brick wall and into an abandoned building, and then igniting Wheezing's gasses.

"Meep." Archie gulped before the building went boom and he was sent skyward, landing with a boom in the Kanto maximum security prison. "Ooooooooow."

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