-Ash: I'd rather be Shiny!-
"You ready for a battle Ash?" Rudy of Trovita Island called out eagerly as they stood atop a large stone pillar on the ocean. Ash's girlfriends were in one hot air balloon wearing dancer outfits while Rudy's cheer squad was in a second hot air balloon, "Cissy told me you gave her a real good showing and I've been looking forward to this!"
"You know it!" Ash grinned, "Rules?"
"Best two out of three. You send out your Pokémon first and I'll send out one with a type to match it."
"Then I'll use my starter, Pikachu!" Ash cheered as his started took the field.
"Pika!" the tiny mouse had lightning crackling about him.
"Then I'll use electivire!" Rudy sent out his electric type which flexed its arms, "You can have the first move Ash."
"Thanks! Thunderbolt buddy!" Ash ordered as Pikachu did so, Electivire dancing out of the way only for the bolt of lightning to actually vaporize another stone pillar nearby when it hit. "Iron tail while they're distracted!" Ash called out, taking advantage of both Rudy and Electivire gaping like magicarp.
Whap! "Electivire is unable to battle, Pikachu is the winner!" the ref called as the girls cheered loudly for Ash and Pikachu.
"I'll use Onyx next!" Ash smiled, wanting to let out his new Pokémon.
"Then I will to." Rudy grinned as they both sent out their Pokémon. Rudy's was a typical healthy-looking onyx. Ash's was made of crystal gems and shone in the sun. "...The absolute fuck?!"
"Beauty ain't she?" Ash grinned as he pet the happy Pokémon, "I caught her just the other day."
"Onyx, use dragon breath!" Rudy ordered.
"Do the same girl!" Ash countered. Rudy's Onyx's dragon breath was a stream of purple energy the size of a fire hose. Ash's Onyx let one out like it was a geyser.
"Rudy's Onyx is unable to battle, Ash's Onyx is the winner!"
"Yahtzee!" Ash whooped happily while his Crystal onyx wiggled happily.

Oooooh! Shiny
FanfictionDisclaimer this story is not mines I thought about how not many people know about Fanfiction.Net and the cool stories that are on there so I thought it would be a good idea to put them on here this story was by TheSliverBoar on Fanfiction.Net