-Ash: The Bugs Bunny of the Pokémon World-
Stepping into the arena on Pummelo Island, Ash held up his hands to the crowd as they roared in excitement for the coming battle. A lot of people from Kanto were there to cheer him on. He saw his Mom, his dad, the rest of the elite four, the Kanto Champion, Professor Oak, Lieutenant Surge, Sabrina, Ariana, Miss Kanto, and a bunch of the officer Jenny's and Nurse Joys he had met all there cheering him on as he walked to his box on the field, Amy and Giselle at his side and dressed like ring girls. "He's here folks!" the announcer called out, "Our Challenger, the Shiny King of Kanto! The Guru of Battle! The maximum monster of manly machismo! Ash Ketchuuuuum!" the roar shook the stadium as the Kanto natives hooted and hollered their local pride.
"And here comes our defending Champ. You know him, you love him. We have Drake, the guardian of the Orange Islands!" the local Orange Island natives now cheered for their local hero and favorite. Ash could see the four Orange Crew leaders he had already beat following behind Drake.
"Ready for a battle?" Ash grinned widely as Drake got to his spot.
"You know it Ash." Drake grinned eagerly, "I've been looking forward to this battle since my friends told me about you."
"Same here." Ash beamed, "I'll start with Mr. Mime!"
"Mime Mime!" his Barrier Pokémon waved to the crowd happily, especially Ash's mom and her Mr. Mime which was his Mr. Mime's best friend.
"Interesting choice Ash." Drake grinned, "I'll use Ditto! Use transform buddy!"
"And the champ is starting strong with his signature opener Ditto! There are some trainers who never even make it past this one Pokémon in their island challenge!" the announcer calls out as there are now Two Mr. Mimes on the field.
"Pound!" Ash said happily as his Mr. Mime brought a fist down on his opponent's head and knocked out the fake Mr. Mime who turned back into a ditto.
"Go Onyx!" Drake sent out his second mon.
"Thunder Punch!" Mr. Mime sent the onyx flying high clearly unconscious, Drake hurriedly returning the unconscious rock snake before it hit the ground.
"Hyper beam!" the powerful normal attack still hit the ghost and one shot it.
"How in the he-...I mean with three Pokémon down, we'll now take a five-minute break and reset the field!" the announcer caught themselves before cursing on a live broadcast. Moving back to his box, Ash spent those five minutes happily making out with his girlfriends while Mr. Mime played on his Gameboy.
"Will both contestants please return to the field!" the announcer called as Ash reluctantly stopped kissing Amy, Giselle a happy pile of girlfriend goo on the bench.
"I'll keep Mr. Mime." Ash said happily.
"I'll use my Venasaur!" Drake sent out the Kanto grass titan.
"Magical leaf!"
"Venasaur is unable to battle!"
"Aerial Ace!"
"Electabuzz is unable to battle!"
"You're my last hope. Go dragonite!"
"Mr. Mime, use Return!" the arena shakes from the impact to show one extremely knocked out dragonite.
"Dragonite is unable to battle! I can't believe it folks! The Challenge, Ash Ketchum, has just beaten the entire team of our Champion by only using one Pokémon! This'll go down in the history books folks! What a day! I believe we may very well be in the presence of the greatest Pokémon trainer in history!"

Oooooh! Shiny
FanfictionDisclaimer this story is not mines I thought about how not many people know about Fanfiction.Net and the cool stories that are on there so I thought it would be a good idea to put them on here this story was by TheSliverBoar on Fanfiction.Net