Part 31: Shiny King wins his 4th orange league badge

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-Ash: Manliest of Men (As the twin sisters he regularly beds tell him)-

Finally on Kumquat Island, Ash walked into the Hotel his guidebook said had the fourth Orange Crew Challenge, Amy and Giselle with him and dressed as skimpy hotel maids. "So, you must be Ash." A redhaired woman called out as he entered the hotel's Gym arena, "The others told me you would be coming and to be ready for a battle...although Danny wouldn't stop crying for some reason."

"Yeah, he apparently didn't like me beating him." Ash shrugged, not concerned about the guy being a sore loser.

"Rudy and Cissy however sang your praises so I can't wait to see for myself." The woman grinned, "Names Luanna, I'm the local Gym leader. My challenge is the most straight forward of the four. It's a straight up battle for the badge. The twist? It's a double battle."

"Now this sounds fun." Ash gave a wide grin which only grew wider as Amy and Giselle leaned in to kiss his cheeks.

"You'll get more once you have the badge lover boy." Amy promised.

"Much more." Giselle added breathily.

"Well let's get this over with so you can get lucky, eh Ash?" Luanna laughed before tossing out two pokeballs, "Go Alakazam! Marowak!" her team flexed and got ready for a fight.

"Go Butterfree! Beedrill!" Ash threw out his loyal bugs who nuzzled him and then flew to Amy and Giselle for some love. "Ready you two?" they cheered eagerly.

"Alakazam, psychic! Marowak, Bone rush!" Luanna ordered as her Pokémon shot off at impressive speeds.

"Butterfree, use your own psychic! Beedrill, parry that bone rush with Fell stinger!" Ash countered. His little butterfly Pokémon glowed with psychic energy as it pushed through the alakazam's psychic and slammed the spoon wielding Pokémon into a wall. Beedrill knocked aside the bone rush and then stung Marowak who dropped to the ground defeated. Right as the ref began to call for him as the victor the two bugs began to glow, evolving further than their stage three forms. Beedrill evolved into a permanent mega Beedrill while Butterfree evolved into what looked like a smaller version of that Galar Gigantimax form.

"You guys evolved again!" he cheered as he pulled the two bugs into a group hug, Amy and Giselle joining eagerly as his bugs buzzed happily.

"...Well damn, ya don't see that every day." Luanna gaped before walking over, "And here's the Jade-Star badge Ash, you've earned it. Hell, I never thought I'd see third stage Pokémon evolve again so go ahead and use the penthouse suite for the day."

"You heard the lady." Amy grinned eagerly.

"Let's not look a gift horse in the mouth." Giselle began dragging him to the elevator.

"Thanks Luanna!" all three shouted together, waving as they went straight to the top.

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