Part Nine: Gary gets his second badge and Ash finds out something

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-Gary_Ponce . exe the third-

Seeing the orangette leave the city for something, Gary rushed to the gym. He had challenged her over eight times and lost each one. Seeing the other three sisters still there he challenged, Daisy to a gym battle.

"Go Goldeen!" the blonde called out.

"Nidorino, use thunderbolt!" he ordered, having paid for the TM with the family money as his poison Pokémon kept zapping the water until the fish Pokémon was unconscious. "I finally got my badge!" he exclaimed excitedly. "Get ready Ash, I'm catching up."

-Ash the Mighty! Wooer of women! Winner of badges!-

"Ash," looking up, the trainer from Pallet town saw his girlfriends looking at him seriously as they made camp in the woods "Amy and I have something important to tell you."

"What is it?" he asked, outwardly calm but inwardly freaking out. 'Don't be pregnant. Don't be pregnant. Don't be pregnant' he thought frantically.

"We weren't completely honest with you about who we are." With a flash, his girlfriends were gone, and in their place was a shiny Arceus and Giratina.

…confused squeak.

"Your ass is still ours though." Arceus told him as they turned back into Amy and Giselle.


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