-Gary Oak: Virginus Eternalus Loserus (Scientific Name)-
"Hmmm," Gary Oak mused to himself as he walked, trying to focus on anything besides his stitched-up ass which hurt with every step "Ghost types are supposed to be smart right? I bet if I go to the Pokémon Tower in Lavender Town then one of them is bound to recognize what an honor it is to be on my team! Gary Oak you genius you've done it again." If anyone had been around to listen to this train of thought, they would have been able to feel his Pokémon in their pokeballs roll their eyes.
Whistling cheerfully, Gary attempted to skip down the trail "Ow fuck my ass!"...keeping his injuries in mind, Gary sedately walked down the trail. What could possibly go wrong this time?
-At the tower, with Murphy's name Invoked-
"Heeeeeelp!" Gary sobbed as various ghosts were using him as a beach ball, tossing him back and forth between them. He didn't know what went wrong! He had gotten to the tower. Marched straight in. Found the biggest Gengar he could, and demanded the stupid ghost become his Pokémon. And this is what happened? Where was the justice in the world? This wasn't fair!
"Haunter!" a second stage ghost zoomed over and licked Gary's face before going from purple to green, rushing away as the sound of intense vomiting could be heard.
"Hey!" Gary protested only to scream when the gengar dropped him onto the floor and went to check on Haunter. "Ow." Gary groaned only for the floor to collapse dropping him down to the floor bellow...which then broke, as did the next, and the next, and the next. "...Oooooooow."

Oooooh! Shiny
FanficDisclaimer this story is not mines I thought about how not many people know about Fanfiction.Net and the cool stories that are on there so I thought it would be a good idea to put them on here this story was by TheSliverBoar on Fanfiction.Net