Part 19: The End of Team rocket

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"...You what?"

"I became the Gym Leader of Cinnabar Island." Ariana looked sheepish as she video called him, "Ash Ketchum vouched for me to his father Bruno and I beat the lead Jenny of the island in a battle to get the title."

"Ash?" he raised a demanding eyebrow at his only remaining executive to stay out of prison.

"The Target." She flushed, "He's heading to battle you next." A loud noise came from off screen, "Shit, I have to go keep these construction morons in line. I'll report later boss!" she ran off before he could question her about the target coming to battle him.

"You come to face me then boy?" Giovanni stood tall, "I won't let you take my organization down. Prepare to be destroyed! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" behind him, Persian huffed and rolled her eyes.

-Ash, luckiest friggin man alive-

Strutting through Viridian, Ash waved to his fans and signed autographs, reporters pleading for an interview from the man who caught every non legendary type of shiny native to Kanto in under a year. Behind him, his girlfriends were, for some reason, dressed in skimpy thirties era mafia flapper dresses. They were hot, he just didn't get what Mafia had to do with the Viridian Gym.

Stepping up to the building he saw...two men carrying pikes in ancient centurion armor...ooooooooookay then. "Halt!" guard-goyle one grunted out.

"None may pass without seven badges." Grunt the second added.

Pulling out his badges, he showed them off "You two can count to seven right?" they ignored the jab and began carefully inspecting each bad for forgery before finally stepping aside. Or so he thought.

"Only the trainer may pass." Guard-Goyle glared down at Amy and Giselle.

"You must leave." Grunt the second piped in, grabbing Amy's arm.

"AiiiiiAhahahahouy!" Guard-Goyle screamed as Ash gave a solid uppercut and sent him flying up and onto the roof.

"Aaaiiiiiieeeeee!" Grunt the Second yelled when Ash kicked him and sent him pinballing between the walls of two buildings before landing in a full dumpster.

"Hoorah." Ash smirked as the crowd cheered at the spectacle, the doors opening to let him and the girls in before closing behind them.

"You've finally arrived," an ominous voice spoke from a balcony as Ash entered the shadowy arena, "Ash Ketchum. I've heard a great many tails of your exploits throughout my region. Now you at last come to me. Are you prepared to face the might of the strongest trainer in Kanto?"

"Are you?" Ash grinned, looking at his happy yellow starter, "You ready to show off buddy?"

"Pika!" the yellow moues jumped sparking to the arena.

"You've failed to do your homework fool!" Giovanni let out a booming laugh, "This is a ground Gym! Go forth, Nidoking!"

"You know, I'm kinda in a rush," Ash yawned at the giant roaring purple Pokémon "Mom's making a big celebration dinner for us tonight once I get my eighth badge. Why don't you just send out your whole team and I'll take em out together."

"You'll pay for underestimating me boy." Giovanni sent out a Garchomp, a Gliscor, a Golurk, steelix, and a swampert.

"Ready to test out that new move buddy?" Ash grinned at his starter.

"Pika!" the yellow mouse nodded eagerly before they both began glowing with raw energy.

"What-" Amy gaped.

"The-" Giselle gasped.

"Fuck?!" Giovanni yelped.

"Stronger than a thunderbolt," Ash laughed, "ten-million-volt thunderbolt!"

"Pika...Pika!...PIKA!" the multicolored bolts of lightning ripped through the air and blasted the six Pokémon, sending them crashing into the ground and each making their own little craters forming a perfect smiley face.

" won." Giovanni dropped to his knees up on the balcony. "I yield, I cannot face my men after being defeated so soundly. As of this moment, I disband team rocket, you win."

"Wait, I thought you were just a gym leader." Ash and Pikachu gave matching confused head tilts, "You're in team rocket?"


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