Part eight: Ash gets two girl and badges

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"Alright!" Ash cheered as Pikachu took out Lt. Surge's Raichu, Voltorb, and Magneton in a one on three battle.

"Way to go Ash!" Amy and Giselle cheered, the girls having changed into a skimpy version of a military uniform. After Cerulean the two had gotten bolder and he had found himself starting to return their gestures, even managing to fluster them on occasion.

"Not bad pipsqueak." The electric trainer seeming in surprisingly good spirits about losing, "Let me know if you and your mouse want to become gym leaders at some point. I could train you up to take over here in Vermillion."

"I'll consider it." Ash promised, shaking hands with the giant.

"You do that. No go to your girls, they look eager to reward you." The soldier teased as Ash flushed and got drug off by Amy and Giselle who waved goodbye to Lieutenant Surge.

"Ah, he's a good runt." The man laughed as the door closed behind them. Pulling up a tablet he checked the kid's trainer profile and saw that the kid had caught the first stage of every Pokémon native to the routes he had travelled on and evolved several of them. Furthermore the kid had somehow gotten a Squirtle, a Bulbasaur, and a Charmander between Cerulean and Vermillion and every bloody Pokémon the kid caught had been shiny.

"Definitely keeping an eye on the runt and his girlfriends." He smirked as he saw the girls taking turns kissing the kid senseless outside.

-With Amy and Giselle-

(A.K.A. Arceus and Giratina but if you didn't know that then I happen to know a Nigerian prince who would absolutely love to talk with you)

Looking at Ash sleeping away as they made camp, she walked outside the tent to talk with her sister. "Giselle." She nodded to Giratina who smirked back.

"Amy." The goddess of the void nodded, "Here to admit defeat and relinquish your excuse of 'dibs'?"

"No, I'm here to ask that of you." Amy got in her sister's face "I called dibs first so he's mine!"

"No, I called it first so he's mine!" Giselle countered.








By this point they're pulling at each other's hair and clothes as they argue over who gets the chosen one booty. "Enough!" looking over, they saw Ash coming out of the tent, "Girls, you're both pretty. Now can you stop fighting already! It's one on the morning and you two are sisters so act like it!" Silently, Amy turned to look at her sister as they shared a nod, noting how Ash seemed to realize things had just changed dramatically.

"I believe Ash is right sister dear." Amy smirked as she stalked towards Ash, Giselle copying her as Ash gulped.

"Why yes, I believe you're correct Amy." Giselle nodded as they each grabbed a fistful of Ash's shirt.

"We're sisters. Sisters are supposed to share and work together." Amy grinned as they began to drag Ash inside his tent.

"We'll probably have to work together with this little stud muffin." Giselle smirked as they tossed Ash onto the sleeping bags and pounced.


With extra pip in his step, Ash walked into Celadon City, an exhausted Amy and Giselle walking bow legged behind him, shit eating grins on their faces. "Come on girls," he grinned, arms around their waists as they leaned into him "I've been making some bank with all the battles I've won. Let's go splurge a bit, my treat!"

"Best boyfriend ever." The two dazed girls cheered as they walked to the Celadon shopping district.

"So you've mentioned many times." Ash grinned, his ego more than a little inflated at their praise.

A few hours, and several thousand Poke later, Ash and the girls were leaving the shopping market as a salesperson called out to him from a perfume shop. "No thanks, not a big fan of perfume." He shook his head and ignored the sales chick's indignant and outraged gasp. "Come on girls, lets drop off the purchases and hit the gym." He told his girlfriends as they walked back to the center and up to the room they shared inside. The girls changing into one of their new purchases while he picked his team.

"We're reaaaady." The girls called out, exiting the bathroom in skimpy kimonos as Ash had to remind himself they were here for a gym battle, not other types of fun.

-One walk full slack jawed passersby later-

"What do you mean I'm not allowed in?" he snarled as two gym attendants stood out front to bar his entry.

"You insulted our perfume brat." The one on the right snarled.

"We make that perfume you insulted here at the Gym, so you aren't allowed in." the one on the left sneered.

Before he could do anything, Amy and Giselle placed hands on his shoulder, "Give us a moment honey." Amy growled out.

"We'll handle this." Giselle cracked her knuckles before shoving the two attendants inside. After a few minutes full of sounds of intense violence, the door opened to reveal the attendants knocked out while Ash's girlfriends didn't look even remotely ruffled.

"…Well that's hot." He grinned as the girls smirked and kissed his cheeks and they walked inside. Getting to the door to the main battle room he kicked it open, the metal warping. "Must be some poor craftsmanship." He frowned, not noticing Amy flick the metal and share a look with Giselle. "Oi!" he yelled as the gym leader and the rest of her aides turned to him, "Despite those idiots you had out front trying to stop me I'm here for a gym battle."

"He's the boy who insulted our perfume!" one aide yelled and pointed.

"I said I wasn't a fan of perfume in general you twit." He snapped, before glaring at an unamused gym leader "Go Kingler!" his shiny crab got sent out as did the gym leader's weepinbell. "Use bubble!"

"Weepinbell is unable to battle! Gym Leader Erika, send out your second Pokémon!"


"Poliwrath, use water gun!"

"Tangela is unable to battle! Gym Leader Erika, send out your final Pokémon!"


"Gyarados, use splash!"

"Vileplume is unable to battle! Ash Ketchum from pallet town is the winner!"

"Are you kidding me?!" Erika cried out in frustration even as Ash got glomped by his beauties.

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