Part seven: Back to the embarrassme- I mean gary

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-Gary Oak, the embarrassment of Pallet-

Grumpy, Gary Oak trudged into Cerulean city. It had taken him over a week of nonstop training, his Squirtle evolving, and catching a nidoran to be able to beat Brock…on his fifth attempt. Now he was in cerulean with an expanded team and was ready to get his journey moving like it was supposed to. Walking into the Pokémon center the nurse looked up and, upon seeing him, pointed to a new looking sing on the wall.

'Center rules: 1. No flirting with the Nurses without consent. 2. No referring to the Nurses as 'toots' without consent. 3. If you make any angry demands of the nurses you will be put on the bottom of the waiting line for amenities. 4. If you break rules one and/or two you will not be allowed a room in the center.'

Eye twitching more than a little irritably, Gary dropped his Pokémon off with the nurse and went to go talk to his gramps on the phone, the old man having refused to tell him about Ash's journey after the first time. "Gary, just got to Cerulean city I see." His grandpa smiled, always genuinely happy to see him.

"Yeah Gramps, just calling to check in with you before I go take on the Cerulean gym leader." He grinned, this one would be easy at least. The forums he found online said after a bad loss the Gym Leaders have been giving out badges recently to anyone who asks. After talking with his grandpa a bit more he ended the call as the nurse called him up to the desk.

"Mr. Oak, your team are in worse shape than we first thought so they'll need to rest here overnight. If you're aiming to challenge the gym it will have to be tomorrow." The nurse told him seriously as he groaned but relented. Wasn't like waiting till the next day would matter much.

-Next day (dun, dun DUUUUUN!)-

Swaggering into the water type Gym, Gary looked confused at the sound of angry shouting. Walking towards the source he found one girl with orange hair arguing with the three hotties he heard were the gym leaders. "Um, hello?" he called out as four heads turned towards him "I'm here for a gym badge." All they had to do was hand it over, he could leave, and they could go back to arguing.

"Well you'll be battling me for it." The girl with orange hair said with an angry look at her sisters, "I go away for a bit of catching and training but come back today to find these twits are giving away gym badges!"

Gary wanted to cry at his rightfully earned free badge being taken away from him like that before he forced himself to look serious, "I'll take you down!" he called, "Go Nidorino!" he sent out his poison type who roared and stomped on the platform it was on.

"The name's Misty and this will be a one on one battle." The girl told him as she pulled out a Pokéball, "Go Star-"

"Psyduck!" a beam of light left her bag as one of her Pokémon let itself out.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" he cackled eagerly "Looks like I'm battling psyduck! This'll be easy! You must suck as a trainer if that dope doesn't listen to you and lets itself out like that."

Misty growled out angrily, "Psyduck, use water gun!"

"Duck?" the yellow Pokémon tilted its head, hands on its face.

"Psyduck!" Misty groaned out as he laughed, Misty's sisters snickering as well.

"Nidorino, use headbutt!" he ordered, his Pokémon leaping onto psyduck's platform and slamming its head and horn onto psyduck's skull. "Alright, keep it up!" he called out, tears of joy starting to form in the corners of his eyes. He was going to do it, he was going to win! He was about to get what he deserved aaaaand why were the duck's eyes glowing?

"Psy-DUCK!" the yellow Pokémon yelled angrily as Nidorino was blasted back by a powerful psychic attack and knocked out in one move.

"The winner is Misty Waterflower!" the referee called out as the orangette cheered and hugged her Psyduck.

"Come back when you can actually battle." Misty sneered at him as he returned Nidorino and slumped out. In the lobby, Gary saw a wall of pictures and a sign saying they were of people who swept the Gym. The most recent one grabbed his eye as he saw Ash standing there with a dopey grin, face covered in blue and gold kiss marks as two total BABES held his arms and winked at the camera.

"Curse you KETCHUUUUUM!"

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