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I woke up and went downstairs too greet my mom.
"Good morning! How did you sleep?"
"Okay I guess." I said yawning.
"Well some handsome young man stopped by and wanted me to give you these!" She gushed handing me a basket with danishes, some fruits, and some mini tarts.
Melo... I instantly thought. How the hell did he get my address??
Probably Natalia. That girl needs to start asking for permission!
There was a little not on the side of the basket That read: Can't wait to see you at the game tonight!☺︎︎ Love, Melo.
I smiled a little. But then went back to my straight face realizing I gotta do all the things he's too lazy to do.
"So who's the lucky boy Mi hija?" My mom said smirking while nudging my arm.
"Mommm. He's just my friend." I said annoyed. "Also can I stay out a little later? He wants me to come to his game."
"Of course mi hija." She said. "As long as you're having fun."
I hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Im gonna go do some shopping."
"Okay! I love you!"
"Love you more mom."
I threw my hair into a low ponytail and put on a t shirt, some jeans, and a pair of Jordans.
I rushed inside the mall quickly wondering what I could possibly pull together for tonight. Of course I have dresses at home, but nothing "sexy" to Lamelo's liking.
I tried on a couple outfits until I found the perfect outfit. I also went to Victoria's Secret to pick out some lacy underwear just to make me feel confident.
Ring Ring! It was my phone. Melo was calling
"Yes Melo?" I answered in my nicest voice.
"Hey uh what are you doing?" he asked.
"I'm just driving home from the mall." I said. "Don't worry I'll be on time. I still got a whole 2 hours."
"Okay good. Don't be late."
"I won't."
As soon as I got home I took a nice shower, threw on a little make up, and started on my hair. Sexy, but not too sexy I can do this, I told myself.
Finally I got myself together for tonight. I sprayed on some perfume and decided to take a cute picture for Instagram.


Theyadoreeronniee   Mwuah💋

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Theyadoreeronniee Mwuah💋

Curlyhead_Veah The baddestt❤️
Pyt.Tally Periodddd❤️❤️

"Hey mom! I'll see you later!"
"Where are you going out like that??" My mom said looking me up and down.
"Mom remember I told you, I'm going to the game." I said folding my arms.
"Well you need to be safe! That outfit is very..... provocative." She said fixing her eyes on my outfit.
"Mom! Are you slut shaming me??" I said getting a little heated.
"No! I just want you to be safe that's all!" She said glaring. "There's dirty men out in these streets!"
"I promise to be safe mom!" I said reassuring her and giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"Okay!" She said. "Call me if you have any trouble okay Mi hija?"
"Yes mom, I know." I rushed out the door and into my car. I drove up to the Spectrum Center and into the busy parking lot. "Okay you got this Ronnie." I said to myself. "Do what he says and get your coin. Simple." I walked towards the booth to see a chubby man sitting inside.
"May I help you?" He said rolling his eyes at me.
"I'm here for the game just like everyone else." I said rolling my eyes back at him. Damn, the people in Charlotte can be so rude!
"Also I'm gonna need to be able to go in the tunnel and stuff so I can meet someone there." I said.
"Anddd do you have a pass for that?" He said, annoyed.
Shit! Melo never told me about a pass! What the hell am I gonna do now??
"Ummm... I don't have a pass." I said nervously
"No pass, No Acess. Sorry!" The man said with a grumpy look.
"Listen." I said making my voice a little firmer.
"A very important person is waiting for me in there!" I said. "So can we let this slide??"
"Sorry. No Strippers allowed." He said.
I gasped in disbelief.
"The strip club is about 30 minutes that way." He said pointing to my right.
At this point I was fed up. I don't wanna disappoint Lamelo, but there's no room for hope!
"Now get out of my face!" He said grumpily.
"Hey! That's not how you treat a lady!" A voice coming from behind me said.
I turned around and it was LaMelo!! Maybe there is hope!
The man sat up straight in his chair and changed his attitude. "Well Good Evening, Mr. Ball! Walk right in!"
"Only if she goes with me. She's very important." He said looking at me and then back at the man.
"Yes! Yes! Of course!" He said with a huge smile.
"And give her one of those passes too. Don't make me have to come get it." Lamelo said in a demanding voice.
The man looked around in his toll booth and found a pass. "Here you are!" He said handing it to me.
I snatched it away from him and gave a small "thanks." And walked inside with Melo.
I carried his duffel bag and set it down on the ground of the court.
"Damn! What do you have in here?? A cow??"
"Maybe." He smirked.
His teammates were shooting some practice shots as fans started making their way into the stands.
"Who's the lucky lady??" A teammate said walking towards us.
"Pj! My guy!" Melo said pulling him into a hug.
"I'm Pj Washington." He said shaking my hand.
"What's your name beautiful?"
"Oh me? I'm Ronnie." I said a little shy.
"Pretty name for a pretty lady." Pj said smiling at me.
"Come on Bro, you got a whole girlfriend and a kid on the way." Lamelo said annoyed.
Pj laughed. "Oh come on, Lamelo. I can still be friendly."
"Well go be friendly with someone else's friend." Lamelo said putting his arm around my waist.
I immediately felt butterflies in my stomach and shot him a dirty look.
He gave me that 'just let it happen' look, so I did.
I have to admit I kinda liked it. He makes me feel safe ya know?
"Hey the game starts in a couple of minutes. I gotta go with the team."
"Okay I said. I'll try an find an available seat." I said looking around.
"Don't worry about that." He said smiling. "I got you a court side seat so you can be in sight."
"Thanks Melo." I said smiling.
He pulled me in for one last hug before the game would start.
"I guess I'll see you off court then."
"I guess I'll see you there." I said grinning at him.

I watched the game play out and Melo kept looking at me after every shot he made. He would give me the 'yea I just do that' or 'this ones for you' face everytime.
The game finished 126-103. The Hornets won! I was really proud of Lamelo for going out there and giving his all. As the game finished, Lamelo wiped the sweat off his face and gave me the signal to come off court. He went into a little room to do some post- game interviews while I waited.
"Well, Aren't you a masterpiece?" A deep voice said behind me
I looked back to see a tall man in a basketball Jersey coming my way.
"Do I know you?" I asked with attitude.
"Demarcus Cousins." He said kissing my hand.
I quickly snatched my hand away and looked him up and down.
"How old are you??" I asked
"I'm only 30 princess." He laughed.
"Umm sir i just turned 18." I said backing away
"Then your legal. Why don't we take this back to my house." He said grinning and getting closer.
"Yo Demarcus! We need you for this interview" his teammate yelled across the hall.
"I'll see you later hottie." He said while leaning in for a kiss. I dodged him and pushed him away.
He chuckled and ran to his teammate down the hall.
Come on Melo...where are you??? I paced around the hallway until finally Lamelo came walking out of the room. He scooped me into a hug and held me tightly.
"Can we just get out of here already?" I laughed "of course we can." He smiled at me. We walked as I put his heavy bag on my shoulder.
I was struggling a little bit and he offered to help. I let him take the bag off my shoulder as he walked with it with ease.
"Oh so you're strong huh?" I said.
"Obviously." He rolled his eyes and smirked.
I gave him a nudge to the shoulder as we walked out together.
As soon as we stepped out, all these flashing lights, loud voices, and sounds of camera clicks surrounded us.
"Are you two official?"
"Who's the lovely lady??"
"Great Game Lamelo!"
"How has your dad been?"
Yada, Yada, Yada.
"Come on guys give us some space." Lamelo said while shoving some of the paparazzi out of the way.
We got in the car and he looked at me. "Sorry about all that, they can get a little weird sometimes."
"No it's okay!" I smiled. "I kinda like the attention."
He gave me a little smile and drove me home.
"Thanks for your help" he said. "You looked very beautiful tonight."
I started to feel those butterflies again and smiled back at Lamelo. "Thanks. You were great out there."
He pulled me into a hug and we looked at each other for a split second.
"Mi hija! It's 20 minutes past! Come in the house!"
"I'm coming!" I yelled back and smiled at Lamelo.
I thanked him once again and went inside. My mom had already went back into her room for sleep so I kissed her good night and ran up to my room.
I flopped across my bed and stared up at the ceiling.
Ding! It was a notification on my phone. Lamelo had sent me the money! And a tip. $1,600  total. I smiled and put my phone back down.
"Maybe being an escort isn't so bad.." I sighed. I
smiled again. "Not so bad at all..."

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