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I woke up to violent taps on my shoulder.

"Get up." Lamelo said while staring down on me.
I rubbed my eyes and yawned "what time is it?" I asked.

"Doesn't matter. You need to get up and get dressed. My friends are coming over and I don't want them to see this hot ass mess." He said firmly.

"The living room looks fine." I said looking around.

"I was talking about you." He said rolling his eyes.

I got up and became face to face with Lamelo. If he believed Lonzo and was mad at me, Fine. One thing for sure was he wasn't gonna treat me like none of these other hoes out here.

"So you got a whole NBA career and you think you're the shit now huh?" I asked. "I hope you know you're overrated, you're career is gonna die out and you'll end up like one of those NBA flops."

That was a lie. People talked about Lamelo's potential since the day he came out, I was just so angry that I felt the need to degrade him.

Lamelo shrugged. "I'd rather be an NBA bust than be known for not knowing how to close my legs." He said. "Pussy must be free nowadays huh?"

I didn't know what else to say, and a thousand things were running through my head at the moment. I wasn't gonna have an hour long argument with Lamelo so I just stormed off.

I took a nice soak in the bath to calm myself down. Soaking in the tub always made me relax, no matter the situation. Right now was me time. Ronnie time.

Fuck Lamelo. And his feelings.

Okay, back to being calm.

After drying off and getting dressed I came downstairs to a room with four other guys and Lamelo.

One of the four of course, was Pj.

"Hey Ronnie, wanna come throw some ass for my friends?" Lamelo chuckled.
The rest of them cackled along.

I rolled my eyes.

"Dude just make her an escort again. Can't make a wife out of a hoe." One of them said.
Everyone else laughed.

I haven't even been downstairs for a full minute and they were already taunting me.

I was hurt by their words. It wasn't true!
I remained silent.

"Alright guys," Lamelo said. "That's enough for now."

For now?? Nice way to stand up for me Lamelo!

"Hey, can you whip us up some lunch?" We're over here starving baby girl." Pj smirked.

"Pj. Chill out, you're not that guy." Lamelo said. "Trust me, you're not."

Finally he stood up for me the right way! Sort of.

"But yeah, make us something Ronnie. We aren't gonna feed ourselves!" Lamelo said.

I spoke to soon.

"Lazy bitch. Come make this damn food yourself." I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that?" Lamelo asked.
"Nothing!" I said while giving him a fake smile.

I made them all bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches with avocado spread added too it.

I poured some potato chips on the plates and got them all some waters.

"Here ya go." I said handing them their food.

"Hey, is this meal Keto diet friendly?" One of them asked.

"I don't know why don't you eat it and see." I said annoyed.

"Do mine over, I don't like avocados and I prefer barbecue chips." Another one of them said.

Lamelo and laughed along with all of them.
At that point I was so over it. I was fed up.

"Oh you want a do over?" I asked him. "Take your lazy ass to the kitchen and do it your fucking self!"
I smacked his plate out of his hand.

"Hey!" Lamelo raised his voice. "Pick that up! And stop disrespecting my friends!" He said.

"Disrespecting them??" I yelled. "Lamelo you're letting them walk all over me you piece of shit!"

"Hey don't talk to him like that!" One of the guys said.

"I'll talk to him however the fuck I want! Don't you have some damn bills to pay? Mind your business!" I yelled.

All of his friends were yelling at me, complaining, and defending Lamelo with their life! It's giving meat riders!

All the hooting and hollering was really stressing me out. I felt dizzy, stressed, and like I needed to lay down.

"Guys, please." I said.

Nobody stopped.
They threw even more insults at me!

"What a crybaby! That's what you get for acting hard!"

"Guys please! All of this is stressing out me and the baby!"

They all laughed. Everyone except Lamelo.

"Okay stop it you guys! I think she's had enough!" He yelled.

They didn't obey Lamelo this time.
They got louder and louder. Yelling at me more and more to the point where I couldn't take it anymore.

I started seeing black, purple, red, orange, spots of blue, I felt myself fall to the ground and then all I could see was black.

Everything black.

The Escort (A Lamelo ball Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now