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I wiped my tears away looking at my beautiful baby girl.
She was precious. Holding her made me realize what love really is.

"Would dad like to cut the umbilical cord?" A nurse asked

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"Would dad like to cut the umbilical cord?" A nurse asked.

Lamelo nodded happily and they got out the scissors to cut.

I got really nervous at that moment. You see, I never really payed attention in health class in school. I actually flunked health so I took Spanish instead.

So obviously, I had no idea what was going on.

"You're not gonna hurt her...are you?" I asked.

"Nope!" The male doctor said. "You both won't feel a thing!"

Lamelo cut the umbilical cord and the doctor pulled out the placenta.
It looked really gross, like a melted baby or something.

After about a good 45 minutes, the doctors left us alone with Aiko.

"Lamelo you haven't held her yet." I said. "C'mon."

"No, no, I'm fine." Lamelo said shaking his head.

"Lamelo, why don't you wanna hold your daughter?" I questioned him.

I found it weird how Lamelo was acting all strange about holding Aiko.

"She's just so small..." Lamelo said looking at Aiko. "I don't wanna hurt her."

Oh Lamelo, this fatherhood stuff is gonna turn him into a marshmallow.

I handed Aiko to Lamelo and he grabbed her carefully and slowly as possible.

"See?" I smiled. "It's not so bad is it."

Lamelo didn't say anything back. All his attention was focused on the baby only.

"Wowww...I really created this." He said.

Aiko looked up at Lamelo with her bright beautiful eyes and gave him a tiny smile.

"Oh, Aiko." He started. "I can't wait to take you to so many daddy daughter dates, potty train you, teach you how to ball like your daddy, take you to your first day of kindergarten..."

I could tell Lamelo admired her so much.

"....beat up all the boys that crush on you, watch you graduate, go to college, get a job, and maybe just maybe get married...that is, if I don't kill your fiancé first." He laughed.

"Lamelo, Babygirl was just born." I laughed. "Can't you plan your killing spree later?"

"Gotta do it while she's young." He said.

We spent some more time kissing, cuddling, and talking to Aiko.

"BIG BALLER IS HERE!" Lavar said busting into the room.

Aiko started to whine from all that damn noise he was making. I rocked her a little to calm her down.

"Dad? Why are you here?" Lamelo asked.


"Nice to have you here, Lavar." I lied.

"Ronnie you gotta lower ya tone." Lavar said. "The baby is trying to sleep!" He put his finger to his lips.

But didn't he just? Okay never mind.

Lavar practically snatched Aiko away from me and started rocking her and talking to her.

Aiko whined which soon turned into cries. Lavar tried his best to get her quiet again, but there was no use.

Lamelo took Aiko back and she immediately stopped crying.

Lavar raised an eyebrow and rolled his eyes. I just sat there and smiled. If Aiko couldn't stand to be around Lavar, I was loving it.

"She so precious." Tina said holding her. "Lamelo you treat this beautiful baby and lovely lady right okay?"

"Of course mom," he said. "Don't even gotta remind me."

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