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"How the hell did you get here?" I asked.
"What do you mean?" Tally said while smiling at the both of us. "I flew out here."
"Why?" Lamelo said, lifting and eyebrow. "What do you want from me?"

"I just wanted to visit." Tally said. "To see how you guys are doing.

Weird. I thought. Everytime she hears about Me and Lamelo she just has to know about it. It's not like we were doing anything with each other. I need to start keeping and eye on her.

"I think it's time for you to leave." Lamelo said looking at Tally. "We don't need this right now."

Before she could say anything else, he slammed the door in her face. Lamelo walked past the glass doors and back into the pool without saying a word to me.
I followed him and also got back into the pool.

"What is it?" I asked. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." Lamelo said. He stared at the bottom of the pool.
Clearly something was wrong. Lamelo and Tally obviously had something fishy going on and I was waiting for an answer.
"Lamelo.." I said.
"Nothing! It's Nothing! Mind the business that pays you!" He said raising his voice at me.

Now when I say nobody, and I mean Nobody raises their voice at me except my mom like that! What the fuck was his problem?? I didn't even care what he was feeling at the moment. I wanted an answer.

Now normally I'm not the crazy type and I'll just leave someone alone, but after I tried to comfort him and get him to open up he yells at me??

I grabbed his nipples and twisted them.
He howled with pain.
"What the fuck are you doing??" He said yelling at me. He grabbed my wrist trying to get my hands off of him.

But I wasn't giving in. "Tell me." I said.
"No way!"
I twisted his nipples even more this time which got a stronger reaction out of him.
"Okay! Okay!" He said giving up. "Please just free my nips!"

I crossed my arms waiting for an explanation as Lamelo rubbed his sore nipples while glaring at me.
"Tally was my ex girlfriend." He started.

So that's what was up! No wonder she wanted to know everything!
"Okay.." I said. "Keep going."
"We dated for some time... things were great. Well, that is until she got crazy."

"Crazy?" Eh. I'm not surprised.
"Yeah.." he continued. "She would always wanna know where I'm at, who I'm with, what I'm doing. She would sneak in my house to watch me sleep, any girl I would hang out with as friends she would try and fight them, and she was just plain physco."

"And I've never told anyone because I didn't wanna look like a punk....so there you have it." He turned away from me and looked down.
"Lamelo...I'm so sorry. I didn't even know." I started to rub his back.
"It's okay." He said. "Really...it's fine."
He got up and dried himself off. "I think I'm gonna lay down." Lamelo said walking towards the glass doors. He gave me a weak smile and went to go lay on one of the beds.

Poor Lamelo. I feel bad for hurting his nips.... Aaaandd pushing him far from his comfort zone.
Come on Veronica get it together!
Just call it a night, wake up, and apologize.
All I know, is that it's gonna be a quiet night....

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