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[Text back ASAP!]
The unknown number texted again.
[I know this is you, Gelo.] I responded. Liangelo loved to prank me all the time. As corny as the Pranks were, he still managed to make me crack a smile at times.

[Now that I have your attention, I have a little task for you.]
I rolled my eyes.
[I'm too tired, can I do this tomorrow?]

The unknown number had sent me an image. I zoomed in on the picture and couldn't believe my eyes. It was me and Lonzo the day he asked me to plan his party. I was in my bath towel and he was smiling at me. It looked like we were about to do something explicit.

My heart has dropped once again.
[now that you see it, you have 24 hours.]
[24 hours??? To do what??] I was ready to end it all as the user typed.

[you have exactly 24 hours to break up with Lamelo ball. This is your only task. If you however fail this task, the picture will be sent out to all social media platforms. Awaiting on your downfall, Along with Lonzo. Enjoy your day! -T]

My hands were practically shaking while reading the message. The user's name was "T." Almost like it had something to do with.... Tally! That's it! She's the on behind this.

I buried my face into my palms and started to cry. For once I though that change was good. I really started to like it here but these series of events, I'm starting to think Charlotte is a big problem. I'm not welcome here at all.

Lamelo joined me in the car and drove us home. I could barely look at him knowing I'm the next 24 hours he would be gone. My Lamelo. Gone. Never to be mine again.

We parked in the driveway and walked inside the house. Lamelo had plopped onto the couch and looked straight at me.

"Is everything okay?" He asked, clearly concerned.
I wanted to tell him no, but the more I looked at him, the words wouldn't even come to my mouth.

I ran up the stairs and cried hard into the bedroom pillow. All that crying made me instantly feel sick, causing me to throw up for a couple of minutes. I felt like complete shit. Lamelo changed the sheets and agreed to buy a new mattress telling me it was okay.

That night, I had clung to Lamelo the hardest I ever have.
"Seriously, don't worry about my dad. My work ethic is the only thing he really cares about. You're not the problem."
I nodded and managed To get a little bit of sleep.

The next morning for me was even harder than the night before. At exactly 8pm today, me and Lamelo were officially over. I felt sick again just thinking about it. I ran to the bathroom to go throw up again.

"Dont psych yourself out." Lamelo reassured me. "Everything is okay."

It wasn't. Everything was not okay and he didn't even know it. All because of something that looked like something it wasn't.

I spent as much time as I could with Lamelo. We sat at home today. We watched some TV, I went outside to watch him Ball, we cleaned up around the house a little, just regular stuff.

7:48 pm. I looked at the time on my phone.
We didn't have as much time left. I grabbed Lamelo so we could make a meal together like we always did. At about 8:20 we had finished making dinner. We made steak, potatoes, and a small vegetable mix on the side.

Knowing it was past 8, I looked at Lamelo and started to cry again.
"Babe I love you and all," Lamelo started. "But you gotta stop crying! It's over with!" He reached across the table to put my hair behind my ear.

"I know my dad can be a little..." Lamelo's phone buzzed with tons of notifications. "One second babe. They better not be getting wild in this group chat, I swear."

I started to cry harder as Lamelo picked up his phone and stared in disbelief. He looked up at me without saying anything. He looked hurt, again.

"Lamelo! Baby!" I cried out.
"I knew I wasn't trippin!" Lamelo yelled. He threw his plate at the wall almost hitting me.
I gasped and cried even more. "Lamelo! You don't understand, listen to me!"

"No I think I understand. Maybe my dad was right." He glared at me.
"Get your shit and get the fuck out of my house."

"Lamelo please!" I begged.

"OUT NOW!" He screamed at me.

I dashed upstairs and got all my belongings, stuffing them into two duffel bags.

I quickly ran down the driveway as Lamelo and threw a wine glass at me. It had almost hit me, thank god it didn't.

Lamelo had caught up to me and cussed me out telling me we were over. I ran from him to a near street sign and sat on the bench.

I called Liangelo, it desperate need for a place to stay no answer. I tried Lonzo, no answer. I was going to call my mom but I'm sure she was ashamed of a daughter like me.

And there I was, no home at all. I was homeless all because of some bitch wanting to ruin me from the start.
I had walked and walked until I had found a nice little spot. It was behind a bar, where nobody could see me.

I grabbed on of my jackets putting it over me and falling asleep.

Homeless, nowhere to go, useless. My downfall had come for me, no matter how good of a person I was. The good ones always get the bottom of the bucket.

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