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"You okay?" Lamelo put his hand on my shoulder.
"No. What if they talk about me Lamelo? And right after the incident? I'm just a trashy whore to the media."

I wanted to cry so bad but I held myself together.

"Who cares what they think?" Lamelo asked. "I mean you're not broke like them."

"For the wrong reasons! I'm not broke because I know you!" I said. "I look like a gold digger."

"You do not. You're the most loyal woman I have ever met. I should have never blew my chances with you...and however many times I did, you always came back..stronger each time." He smiled at me and pulled me into a hug.

"That's real shit. Real love. The only thing a Queen would do. Stay loyal to the King."

"King?" I questioned him.
"Yea, me." He said.

"I didn't know you were LeBron." I said while smirking.

Lamelo rolled his eyes at me and smiled. "I guess that makes you my Savannah."

We hugged again and got into the car.
We finally arrived at the arena and I could already hear a bunch a voices calling out for Lamelo and cameras getting ready.

I took a deep breath, and another, and another, then too much at once.
I was hyperventilating.

Lamelo grabbed my hand and moved my hair out of my face.
"You're okay." He said. "I promise you're okay. Just calm down."
His voice was so calming at the moment and he handed me a water to calm me down.

I finally picked up the courage to get out of the car. Lamelo got out first, and came to open my door.

Breathe Ronnie, Breathe. Fuck everyone, it's your time now.

He opened the door and smiled at me. Flashes and loud voices full of curiosity surrounded us as we walked together.
Lamelo held my hand to keep me in my calm state knowing everyone was all up in our business.

"Are you two officially back?"
"I've seen babygirl has gained some weight."

I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

"Lamelo are you willing to take a cheater back?"
"Is this girl possibly bad luck?"
"Do you believe all escorts are hoes?"

"Have you had a threesome with Ingram and Lonzo?" One asked.

Oh hell no. What kind of shit was that?? Who would be so disgusting to ask something like that???

"Hey," Lamelo turned around facing paparazzi. "Don't try that shit with her. We've been through a lot, We are not together but hopefully if I act right, we can get to that point again. We don't need all of this stress knowing we have a baby on the way."

The crowd of paparazzi gasped and flashed more pictures, especially getting angles to show that I was pregnant.

"And if you don't like that," Lamelo continued. "Go suck a dick."

The crowd went silent and Lamelo turned around flicking them off and going back to holding my hand.

"Oh my god, Lamelo!" I said. "Can't you get fired for stuff like that?"

"Nope." He said. "They shouldn't be in my business in the first place, it's called defense."

We got inside and walked down the hallway.
"Hey, you got this." Lamelo said hugging me.
"I don't know Lamelo what if-"

"What if, Nothing." Lamelo said.
Lamelo then started dancing around and cheered.

"Goooo Ronnie!" He said jumping into the air.
Some people started to stare at us.
"Lamelo! Stop it!" I giggled nervously. "People are looking!!"

"Who cares?" Lamelo said. "Hey you guys! This is my baby mama and I'm proud of it!! I fucked up but I might get to beat the kitty up again soon!" Lamelo yelled loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Congrats bro!" Someone yelled right across the hall.
"Lamelo! You can not say all that!" I laughed.
I gave him a little flick on the nose and one last hug.

I got onto the court and could feel all eyes on me. Some people were shouting my way by I tuned them out.
I found Brittany waving at me and patting a seat next to her.
"Hey Britt!" I said smiling at her.
"Hey girl!" She said.

She looked at my stomach.
"I see mini Melo is getting bigger!" She gushed.
I laughed. "Yeah, Lamelo wants a boy, but I'm all in for a girl. We find out the gender in two days!"

"I'm so excited for you!" Brittany smiled. " I better be one of the first friends to know!"

"You sure will!" I smiled back at her.
No matter how much shit I have been through, Brittany supported me, just like I had helped her out when she was in a shitty position with Pj.

"What a slut." Someone said behind me.
"I mean, Lamelo deserves better. He should be free and be able to have a happy relationship instead of Caring for some broke baby mama."

Broke? Who broke? Little did she know I was doing my damn job right now!

I turned around to see two girls staring at me, one with a evil grin.
One was mixed and the other was a girl who was Probably white with Latin descent, the tan really had me trying to guess.

"Can we help you?" The mixed one said.

"Um, I just wanted to ask why are you talking about me?"
I glared at her.

"Because we can." The other one said. "It's a free country!"

"I don't think I said it wasn't" I rolled my eyes at her.

"I suggest you two ladies stop talking shit. Before I get up out of this damn seat." Brittany said in a demanding tone.

"Nobody was talking to you. I swear it always the broke baby mamas."

"Ashley Alvano, Nice to meet you." She smiled evilly at both of us. "I'm Lamelo's ex girlfriend."

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