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And that's how it happened.

The day I moved to Charlotte changed everything.

If those boys wouldn't have bullied me on my first day there, it would have never happened. Lamelo would have never happened.

It all started off as a repayment. Doing just a couple things for him as he was too lazy to do.

Then the feelings came in, we both knew we were madly in love with each other and didn't care to hide it at times. Some small girl drama flurried in but that didn't stop us.

Meeting Lonzo was the worst and best choice of my life. He definitely milked the Hollywood drama between us, making it look like a love triangle, me being looked at as a Hollywood hoe.

But then he helped me and Lamelo understand, there are always gonna be ups and downs in every relationship, nothing is perfect, and no matter how crazy things get, true love is stronger than anything.

My mom was still a bitch, but I called her from time to time just to check on her. Denise and Lonzo broke up for good, Tally was rotting in jail, Brittany and Pj still kissed my ass from time to time.

Gelo will always be a real one. He stayed out of Drama, never influenced it, he was always by my side when I needed him most.

That brings me to Ingram or "B." He taught me it's okay to love again, and that it's safe. B will always be the most kind hearted and offering person I know. One thing about him is that he'll never leave a friend in the dust.

Lamelo taught me so many things. Friendship, courageousness, Sex, living life to it's fullest, love, toxicity, and most of all Trying over and over again until you get it right..until we got ourselves right.

Last but not least, the City of Charlotte. Moving here was the best-worst, non decision of my life. The series of events here definitely made my life feel interesting.

In Charlotte I've made friends, backstabbers, enemies, I met the love of my life, made supporters, and so much more. I was an assistant to and NBA player, made so many jealous, girlfriend to ex, the talk of Hollywood, sexed a friend, became a mommy, became a wife, and so on.

I started a good-bad life in Charlotte. Everything was definitely one big roller coaster.

"Can you tell us the story one more time mommy? Pleaseee?" My son Pierre begged.

"Please?" Aiko begged too.

"Oh, I don't know.." I said.

"Just one last time babe?" Lamelo said smiling at me.

I sighed. "One more time." I said smiling back.

And there it was. My story, as The Escort.

The End.

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