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Today was the day. My first official game as Lamelo's girlfriend. No more carrying his heavy stuff, picking up after him, obeying his commands, I'm free and in love.

Ring! Ring! It was my phone, and no other than Lamelo.

"What do you want dummy?" I asked jokingly.
"Only one day of being my girlfriend and you're starting to act out already?" He laughed. "I should consider buying you a leash!"

"What is it Melo?" I groaned.
"I just wanted to remind you wear something sexy but not too sexy."

Those familiar words played in my head from when we had first made the deal.

"Really, Melo. I hope you know I don't carry your bags anymore."
"I mean, you're my girl now," he said. "I want all the guys to drool over you and know they can't have you."
"Stop it, I shouldn't be smiling too hard!" I giggled.

One thing about Lamelo, he always knows how to put me in a happy place. No matter what time or place we were.

"Well I gotta go warm up so I'll see you in a few?"
"See you. Love you."
"Love you more!"

It still feels unreal that Lamelo is my boyfriend. Just weeks ago I was his handy assistant but now, I think I'm complete, at my happiest too.

I went to shower, and was coming out until I heard a knock on the door. My mom was at work, so I had to get it myself. I wrapped a towel around me and opened the door about a couple inches.

Lonzo was at the door.
Why was he here? And what could he possibly want? Doesn't he have a kid to take care of? Basketball to play?
Before I could say anything, Lonzo pushed open the door and let himself in. He closed the door behind us.

"Get out." I said trying to be calm.
I didn't want Lamelo to find us in another awkward situation and go through everything again.
He looked me up and down. "Am I interrupting something?" He smiled.

"What did I just say??" I said raising my voice a little. "Get out."
"Why are you still mad at me? You and Lamelo are together now so there's nothing that could possibly happen right?"

"You know what happened last time, you know how Lamelo is, so can you just leave so we can avoid any further problems?"
"Okay, fine I'll leave." He said.
I let out a sigh of relief.
"Butttt...." He said looking out the corner of his eyes.
"What do you want??" I groaned.

"Do you mind planning my Birthday party? It's in two weeks and I need something done."
"Why? Don't you have a girlfriend for that?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Babymama." He said correcting me.
"I just want to stunt on her for the one time. She always gives me the best birthdays, but after she kept dissing me on social media, it's time for her to come back whining and all over me."

"Weird... but okay." I said giving in so he would just leave.
"I'll pay you 30k for it."
I smirked a little. "Get out of my house, Lonzo."

"Remember! Two weeks!" He yelled hurrying out the door.
"Yes, Yes, I know!" I said while finally shutting the door.

I finally got ready for the game and put on my 'sexy but not too sexy' outfit.

I finally got ready for the game and put on my 'sexy but not too sexy' outfit

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I drove to the game and paid for my ticket and seat. He better win because $500 for a court side seat is a little much!

I met up with Lamelo in the Hallway as he showered me with kisses.
"You're going to smear my makeup!" I laughed.
"Who cares?? You're sexy without it anyway!" Lamelo said while giving me even more kisses.

I could hear Pj's loud ass coming down the hallway. I had to move fast, I didn't wanna make any conversation with him at all.
I pointed towards Pj's direction and Lamelo knew instantly. He gave me one last kiss on the lips and I walked onto the court and took my seat.

A pregnant woman in a beautiful tube top dress beside me in the next seat.
For some reason I could feel her eyes on me. It's not like we knew each other or anything so that's what made it weird.

I looked up at her and was right! Her eyes were on me!
"Hi!" She said friendly.
"Do you know a Pj Washington?" She asked.
"Yes, are you a fan?" I asked.
She looked at me a little crazy for a second.

But then it all made sense, the woman, the baby bump, her asking about Pj.
Lamelo had mentioned he had a girlfriend with a baby on the way.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I said. "I swear I didn't know you were his girlfriend."

"So you've messed around with him?" She asked holding her head down a little.
"No not at all!" I said. "I just excused myself for thinking you were a fan."

"A fellow teammate said you were talking to him. Like, talking talking."
"Well if I have to be honest." I started. I told her all about how Pj would flirt with me every chance he got and on every occasion, and how he recently tried to share a bed with me.

She nodded, not even saying a word. She picked up her things and left the arena.

I felt bad, very bad. Like a home wrecker but not wrecking the home myself. Hopefully she doesn't give out any names, I would hate to be painted as something I'm not.

She was better off knowing, than being in a relationship with a guy who flirts with ten girls a day. The one I feel mostly bad for is the baby, knowing their father was an absolute piece of shit and how-

The crowd started cheering. The game was getting ready to start. The players were walking on court and taking their positions.

Lamelo walked over and gave me a kiss on the lips, which made the crowd go crazy! Even the commentators were loving it!
"Looks like Melo's lady assistant is now a possible love interest!" One of them said.

I blushed a little and could feel my smile getting bigger. The attention felt so great! Especially knowing that Lamelo Ball was mine! All mine!

I watched Lamelo play as the Hornets swept the Knicks. 112-87!

After Lamelo did his little interviews as usual, I rushed to the hallway.
I didn't even care about his sweat, his post game odor, Anything! I ran up to hug and kiss Lamelo. My Lamelo.

The Escort (A Lamelo ball Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now