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"Ugh..." I groaned.
"Come on, at least try it Ronnie." Lamelo waved a mango piece around in my face. "You love mangoes!"

"Yeah but this pregnancy is changing my tastebuds." I said.

"Okay, Okay." He said putting the magi piece down.
Lamelo came over to my side and rubbed my stomach.

"I can't wait for the baby shower this week." He said. "It brings us closer to meeting our little mama."

"I'm so excited too. We're definitely gonna have the baby shower of the year." I said happily. "The Kardashians automatically don't exist."

"I know that's right." Lamelo laughed as we shared a kiss.

There was a knock at the door and Lamelo popped up to open it.

I crossed my fingers.
Please don't be drama, please don't be drama, please don't be drama...

"Gelo! How've you been Bro?" Lamelo said while hugging his brother.

"Never been better!" Liangelo smiled.

"What brings you here Gelo?" I asked.

"It's about Lonzo and Denise... and our Parents." He said lowering his tone.

Oh god. Didn't I just say no drama? Not only Lonzo and Denise, but the Ball parents too??
Somebody please take me out this shitty world.

"We don't need any trouble, Liangelo." Lamelo said sighing. When Lamelo said Gelo's full name, I knew he wasn't playing around.

"We got enough on our plates anyway." Lamelo said glancing at my stomach.

"I would never do anything that could potentially hurt Ronnie or my niece." Liangelo said. "Mom and Dad want to come to the baby shower and have another talk with you."

"Okay..." I said. "Lonzo and Denise? What do they want?"

"Lonzo wants to come and bring Denise. He said said Denise is gonna act right and they want to make things right."

Tsh! Make things right?? They've had their chance and missed.

"Please, Denise is the pettiest person we know. Hell, she baby trapped Lonzo, and is a complete Instagram thot knowing she has a daughter." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, but they seemed very serious. Denise was even crying, she didn't mean to act out like that. She swore, Ronnie." Liangelo said.

"Fine." I said crossing my arms.

"But, if she tries anything, she can kiss her social life goodbye. Her life will be hell just like She was trying to make ours." Lamelo said.

Damn. Lamelo being more firm and on my side made him even hotter than he already was.

After Liangelo left, Lamelo and I got dressed for another home game.

I slicked my hair up into a high curly ponytail.
I added some accessories to give my outfit a little more style to it.

"You look beautiful as always, mi amor." Lamelo said giving me a kiss on my neck.

"Ohh so I see you've been learning some Spanish huh?" I grinned at him.

"Of course, Spanish can be a great love language." He said.

My smile started to fade.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "Was it something I said?"

Lamelo tried to pull me in closer but I turned away from him.


"I finished washing my hands mommy!"

"Well done Mi Amor! We can start on the cookies now."

"Mommy why do you call me that? What does it mean?"

"Oh Mi Hija, Mi amor is My love en español."

"Like love... because you love me!"

"That's right Mi Hija. Spanish can be a great love language, and mommy will never ever ever stop loving you. I will never stop talking to you, and most of all I will never turn my back on you when you need me most. Never forget that Mi Hija, Knowing your papa is up in heaven, all we have is each other."

"Yea mommy sill never forget. You're my Mi amor too."

"Te amo, Mi Hija."

"I love you to mommy."

End of flashback.

That one really hurt. It hurt bad knowing my mother didn't give any fucks about me because of...

I looked down at my bump.

"Babe, are you okay? Please, I need to know if your okay." Lamelo said holding my hand.

Maybe having keeping the baby was a mistake. Big mistake. Moving to Charlotte was, but my pregnancy is causing a terrible chain of events.

"Nothing.." is shook my head. "I just felt a little sick for a second."

"Are you sure because you lo-"
"I'm fine Lamelo! Dammit!" I slammed the bedroom door behind me and waited for him on the couch.

Was this a mistake or not? It always seems like I'll never get the answers I hope for.

The Escort (A Lamelo ball Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now