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"You're okay! You're okay!" I heard a voice pacing. "You're okay Ronnie! Don't be scared."

"Young man! I advice you to move out of the way!" Another Voice said.

"No! This is my giiiirlllllfriiieeendddd." A voice shouted.
"Geeeet hiiimmmm outtaaaa hereee!" The other voice shouted back.

"Don't touuuchh m-"

The words were so slurred I couldn't even understand a thing.

I woke up in cold sweat breathing heavy and fast.

I looked around and saw that I was in a hospital bed. What had happened?? Did I have the baby?? Did I have a miscarriage?? I needed answers!

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" I shouted while reacting to something being hooked up to me. It was a water bag.

"M'am I'm gonna need you to calm down." One of the doctors said calmly. "You don't wanna kill it."

"Kill what?" I asked. "Why the hell am I here?" I said looking around.

"You blacked out around the afternoon yesterday m'am. You built up a lot of stress. A little friend told us you've been stressing for these past couple of days." The doctor said. She pointed at Lonzo.

What was he doing here? And where the hell was Lamelo??

"You're at high risk of a miscarriage." The doctor said. "You're gonna have to take it easy as best as you can." She then exited the room.

"Thank god you're okay, Ronnie." Lonzo gave me a weak smile.

"Oh don't be all buddy buddy with me now!" I said. "I hate you."

"Listen, I'm sorry for lying. I was just so mad I thought you were ruining my family, so I just dropped the bomb." He said.

"Well you did a hell of a job. Congrats Lonzo, we're all so proud of you." I rolled my eyes at him. "And where is Lamelo at? He should be worrying about me the most!"

"He got kicked out last night." He said. "He told Gelo the news about you and Gelo told me. So I stayed the whole night. But don't worry, Lamelo's on his way the doctor called him."

Lamelo and Lonzo in the same hospital room after how all this started was going to be the worst. As if the outcome of all this, wasn't bad enough.

I started to cry out of nowhere. It was hard to live stress free when you're in my body.

"Why are you crying?" Lonzo asked.

Yup it's official. Lonzo was dumb as hell and could never take a hint.

"Why am I crying? You wanna know why Lonzo?? My life is a living hell and just never stops! Every single day I have to worry about what's gonna happen next! Like a damn tv show! There's times I've even thought about offing myself!" I cried.

"Hey, Hey, don't say that! You're an amazing person Ronnie." He said.

"Obviously not to you Zo! You ruined everything for me! Everything! All I wanted was a happy family but no! I can't even have simple shit like that!" I cried out.

Lamelo came into the room quickly. He frowned at Lonzo but quickly turned his attention on me.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry Ronnie! I swear!" He said squeezing me tight.
"You didn't deserve that! I'm sorry! I'm a million times sorry!"

I could here Lamelo sniffle a little.
He looked down at me with tears in his eyes.

"No, I'm sorry." Lonzo said. "I lied. I lied about it all. I only did it because I always took a liking to Ronnie since I first laid eyes on her. I was honestly jealous of you two. If I hadn't milked the rumors that day or lied, none of this would have ever happened. I'm sorry for putting you and your child in danger."

"Lonzo you're my brother. My own blood. Why?" Lamelo said disappointed.

"I'm sorry baby bro. I really am. I hope you two enjoy each other. Please stay together! You deserve each other." Lonzo gave us a weak smile and waved. After that he exited the room.

"Sure Zo was sorry," Lamelo continued. "But I take more of blame. Arguing with you, causing you more and more stress, taunting you with my friends. I don't know why I did it Ronnie. My feelings keep getting to me. I'm the monster not you, and it took me a minute to realize that." He said.

I nodded and wiped my tears away.
Lamelo held my hand and rubbed it with his thumb.

"After a long night of thinking, I got a therapist. I'm willing to sacrifice anything and everything for you and this baby Ronnie." He said. "I love you forever. No matter how frustrated I get. I'm tired of having these, 'I'm sorry' talks. No matter what bad energy comes at us, we're dodging bullets from here on. A change start now."

He hugged me for about a good couple of minutes and I finally spoke. At first I wanted to say a lot, but only 4 words could come out if my mouth.

"I love you, Lamelo." I said.
"I love you more."

He tilted my head back and we began to kiss, kiss some more, and some more, and a little bit more.

The doctor came in and occasionally checked on me, and Lamelo stayed the whole night.

We watched tv, ate some food, talked laughed, Lamelo had his usual one on one conversations with the baby, all of that.

Lamelo sat in that chair by the bed the whole entire time, holding my hand letting me know he was there for me.

He smoothed his hands on my hair making me feel nice and comfy.

"My Ronnie." He said. "I love you so much."
"My Lamelo." I said back. "I love you even more."

And finally, for once in these past couple of days, I felt relaxed. I felt in my place. Right now I was at my happiest, having a drama free moment with Lamelo.

This was where the train wreck was coming to an end. Everything was going to change. Especially with our daughter on the way.

Change starts now.

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