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A week and a half had passed. Today was the date of Lonzo's Birthday Party, the day that I stunt on his girlfriend as a way for him to win her back. I know it's pretty stupid of me, but that 30k had me determined!

Me and Lamelo decided to throw Lonzo's party at a beach in Florida. We picked out all his favorite foods, got some beautiful decorations for the inside, and hired a celebrity Dj for his party too. Everything was going to be perfect.

There was one downside though, I had to meet Lamelo's parents. The big scary part in the relationship. What if they don't like me??? And when they find out I don't really have a job yet?? I'm pretty much done for.

"You'll be fine, Stop worrying about it!" Lamelo Groaned.
"They have such high expectations! I'm just a chick off the street!" I said burying my face into the couch.
"Stop! You'll mess up your make up babe. We don't have much time."
Lamelo dragged me out of the beach house as I complained all the way to the party. I had to stop though, not wanting to ruin the vibe.

Everybody was dancing, partying, having a good time. Things were going great. Lonzo even made up with Denise!

The vibe at the Party was great. For once I was having a pretty good-

"BIG BALLER IN THE HOUSE!" A loud deep voice had said.
The crowd cheered as Lavar and Tina entered the party.
My heart dropped to my ass. Oh god, it's time.

Lamelo grabbed my hand and smiled at me. He lead me to the table his parents were at. Every step of the way I wanted to piss myself.

I could fake a seizure! Then I won't have to meet them. And maybe, just maybe, I could wait a little longer. I decided not too. I'd look dumb shaking on the floor anyway.

I shook Tina's hand and Lavar's. "Hi how are-" I said in a happy tone.
"DAYUM GIRL. YOU'RE A LITTLE LOUD." Lavar said widening his eyes.

Me? Loud? He's one to talk.

We sat down and i already knew what time it was. 21 questions. They were gonna ask me anything and everything, and I was gonna take it like a pro and be as respectful as I could.

"So do you have a job?" Tina asked.
"She's one of my assistants." Lamelo answered for me.
That wasn't true. Or at least it used to be. I got nervous when Lamelo lied to them, I was sure we would get caught.

"Assistant..." Lavar narrowed his eyes at me.
"Son, how do you know....you can trust her?"
He had said it loud enough for me to hear.
If you're gonna talk about me at least go somewhere private.

"Dad, Stop it. You do this with all my friends and the people I love." Lamelo protested.
"I mean look at her son, she's beautiful but Trustworthy just isn't fitting for me!" He got a little louder.
Soon some of the party guests had looked over to see what was going on. A couple had mumbled and others just reacted.

"You never know if she could be a H-"
I already knew what Lavar was going to say. Tina had patted him on the shoulder signaling him to stop, but I had enough.

I smiled at him and got up from the table. I stormed off hearing Lamelo call my name behind me.
I sat in the car to calm myself down. I'm a really nice person, I really can be, so why does everyone I come across fail to see my potential?

I started to break down, and paused while sniffling until I got a text from an unknown number. Reading: Let's have a little Chat. Just you and Me Ronnie. :)

Can't this day get any worse?? Maybe I shouldn't say that...Who knows what's here to come?

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