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"Hey, what was all that?" Lamelo said coming down the stairs.

"I don't know...mood swings, I guess." I said.

"Ronnie, I know you and I know you well. Tell me what's going on."

"Fine. It was a saying my mom used to say. She told me she would love me forever Lamelo...Forever! I feel like every step of the way I'm constantly being lied to, mistaken, confused, I don't know what the hell my life is."

"You'll always have me." Lamelo rubbed my thigh. "I'll always be by your side."

"But it's not fair Lamelo, everyone I've always been close to or loved has turned against me. No matter what. My day 1, my own mom.." I said nearly shedding a tear.

"Fuck your mom." Lamelo said.
"What?" I said shocked.

"Fuck. Your. Mom." He repeated. "Fuck everyone. If they don't wanna see your potential and how great of a person you are, fine. That just gives you more space to grow and shine."

Lamelo showered me with kisses and I tried my hardest not to smile, But eventually I gave In.

"There's that pretty smile!" He laughed.
"Okay! Lamelo Okay! You win! You're gonna mess up my makeup!" I giggled.

We got into the car and headed straight to the game.

Lamelo smiled at me and I smiled at him back.

Besides basketball, He would be a really good therapist. Talks with Lamelo made me forget about the rest of the world. Like it was just me and him. Nobody else. Nothing else.

Lamelo started to raise his hand up my dress slowly as he looked into my eyes.

"Oh, Lamelo stop it...you have a game to win you're gonna be tired." I laughed.

"I never get tired, I mean I lived with my dad." He laughed. "My loud ass dad, to be exact."

I laughed and pulled his face in for a kiss. We made out almost all the way to the game.

"Ahem." One of Lamelo's security interrupted us.

"You must wanna lose your job huh?" Lamelo said annoyed.

"No..No sir! I'm so sorry for interrupting Mr.Ball..." the poor guy said.

"Lamelo, treat him with some respect." I tapped him. I pulled out a fifty dollar bill and handed it to him. "Please take good care of yourself, you're doing great." I smiled.

"Thank you!" He smiled at me tipping his hat.

"Why are you so nice?" Lamelo asked rolling his eyes.
"Because it's nice to be nice." I smiled.

The paparazzi ran over to us as usual.

"Make sure you guys get some good angles of our baby girl down there too!" Lamelo smiled.

"Oh my god it's a girl!"
"Names?? Any Names for this child??"
"Are you mad about not having a boy Lamelo??"
"Move! I need to get a good spot!"
"Watch it buddy, you bump that baby, it's over."

Lamelo gave me a kiss on the lips and we walked into the arena.

"Alright I'll see you, then." Lamelo said hugging me.
"See you, then." I smiled.

Brittany waved to me and I met and sat right next to her like always.

"Good news!" Brittany smiled. "Me and Pj are back together!"

"Oh that's good." I said.
"Yeah, plus he's getting a max contract with the hornets so we're gonna be making a whole lotta bacon." She grinned.

Damn, what happened to Brit? One day it was fuck Pj but as soon as he gets some cash on him... I wanna tell her she's wrong, but I don't wanna lose wanna of the few friends I have.

"You don't mind him coming to the baby shower right?" She asked.

"Well, I'll have to talk to M-"

"Great, we'll be there!" She smiled.

Ugh, Was she serious?? I wanted my baby shower to be the best time of my life!

The Hornets and the Knicks finally came out to play and I focused on Lamelo the whole time.
He played so good tonight, I was so proud of him for giving his all like always.

The interviewer Rachel Nichols came up to Lamelo with a huge smile on her face.
I know she shouldn't have a stank face, but she gets a little too excited around these NBA players.

I wouldn't be surprised if she slept with a couple of them.

"You played really good tonight, Melo. What was the inspiration behind your hard drive tonight?" She asked.

"Well two special people have pushed me to play hard this season." He smiled.

"Is that your parents?" She asked.
"As much as I thank my parents for most of my success, the recognition does not go to them tonight."

The crowd tuned in more into what Lamelo was saying.

"My beautiful girlfriend and unborn daughter push me to not only do my best, but be the best. If I never met that beautiful woman over there, I'd be the same old Lamelo. But this new Lamelo, is a more powerful, Mature, and smarter Lamelo. I work hard every day for them, and coming home to the two is always the best part. I love you Ronnie, and you too little mama, can't wait to meet you." He smiled.

The crowd cheered and clapped after Lamelo's small speech.

I wiped away a couple tears. I never knew Lamelo had such hard feelings for me and the baby like that.

"I love you." I mouthed to him.

He nodded and after answering a bunch of questions we met up by the car.

Lamelo picked me up and spun me around.
He put me down and we shared a couple of kisses, laughing and smiling at each other.

"I was so excited to tell the world about you. The real you. About you both." He grinned while glancing at my stomach.

Aiko kicked a little.
"And little mama loves her daddy too."

"Oh, she better!" Lamelo laughed and bent down to kiss my stomach. "Daddy loves her even more."

"Mi Amor." I said as I hugged him.

*** "Mi dulce amor."

***My sweet love.

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