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It's been a couple months since me and Lamelo's downfall, the incident between me and Lonzo, B taking good care of me, My baby growing and me turning 19.

Ingram threw me a huge Birthday Bash and invited tons of celebrities, over these few months I've gained fans, confidence, and was ready to strive better than ever.

"You look really beautiful today girl." He smiled at me.
"Why thank you, B." I gave him a hug and put on my coat to go out.
"Please be careful!" He said pulling me in for another hug.
"I'm better than ever B. I promise I'll be careful."
"Call me if anything goes wrong. It's only been a couple months..."

"I will B. Promise."
He kissed me on the top of my forehead like always and I got in the car.
I enjoyed Ingram's kisses. They felt like tiny pecks of joy on my forehead. But it's not like he's my boyfriend or anything.

We finally pulled up to Cafe Du Monde and I got extremely nervous.
I was going to be meeting up with him. Meeting up with Lamelo.

I was nervous as hell, I could feel my hands shaking when Ingram's chauffeur opened the car door for me.
"You okay M'am?" He asked.
"Yes, Yes, I'm just fine." I gave him a weak smile and walked towards the restaurant.

Lamelo had booked us a private area to eat so nobody could get to us and try to start something.

I walked into the restaurant and gave the host my name. A waiter had took me to the private area where Lamelo was at.

He looked up at me and his face lit up.
He got up and tried to go in for a hug, but I just shook his hand. I was giving in to him that easy, I was gonna make him wait, ask for it, beg for it, like a dog.

"How...How have you been?" He asked.
"Fine. I've been Fine. What about you?"
"Not too good, Listen Ronnie I need you back and-"

"Lamelo we decided on the phone we weren't gonna talk about this." I frowned. "Can you just stop? Please."
"Sorry." He said while intertwining his fingers.
Lamelo cracked his knuckles and then cleared his throat.

"So how is the little one?"
"Very good. We find out the baby's gender on Sunday."
"We?" Lamelo said confused.
"Me and Ingram." I told him.

"It's not his baby, Ronnie." Lamelo said irritated.
"I didn't say it was. We were gonna find out because I didn't think you wanted to be apart of it."

"That what I called you here for Ronnie. At first I was just really scared, nervous, and my mind was all over the place. But I really want to be in my child's life till the day I die." He sighed. "I'm begging you to let me be in my child's life Ronnie, please."

I sighed and looked out the window. "Okay, I'll let you. But me and you are a different story."

"Just give us one last chance Ronnie. I've changed. And I haven't been shit without you these past months."

"You've told me that the first time Lamelo. I don't know what to believe. I still need time."

I really wanted to love Lamelo again, I really did but the toxicity in our past relationship really took the cake for questioning if we were meant to be. As of right now, we need to co-parent and that's all.

Our food came and that was the most silent lunch we had. Lamelo glanced at me every couple of minutes and it made me feel a little nice. He even cracked a smile at me and knowing how much I wanted to, I cracked one back at him.

"B! I'm back!"
Ingram came down the stairs like the flash and gave me a hug.
"You were gone for so long!"
"We had a lot to talk about B, that's all." I laughed.

"So did y'all discuss anything about the baby?"

"Yes. I'm allowing him to come to the baby shower and as far as custody, He gets the baby every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. He's also allowed to see the baby when he has off days sometimes."

"How are y'all gonna Co-parent from Charlotte to New Orleans?"

"Im planning to move back to Charlotte and get a condo. But I'll still come and visit whenever you want B."

"Yeah, you better!" He laughed.

Ingram hugged me once again and we watched a movie after cleaning the Kitchen.

During the movie I rested my head on Ingram's chest. He started to rub on my tummy feeling for the baby.

"B, the baby isn't big enough to kick on the sides and stuff!" I laughed. "I'm only 4 1/2 months."

"Feed that baby some steroids then! I want the baby to know me before anyone." He smiled up at me.

There was a small moment of silence.

Ingram then laid back onto one end of the couch and pulled me on top of him.
He smiled me and I smiled back. There was a little tension between us and I looked away trying not to smile wider.

Ingram then pulled my face in for a kiss and I kissed him back.
His hands slid down to my butt and we both looked at each other.

He kissed me and slipped off my sweatshirt. And motioned his hands to unclip my bra.

Was this really happening?? Here?? Now??
I couldn't tell wether I wanted it or not.

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