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~a month later~

"Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" Lamelo shouted at the Tv. "Dammit!"

"Lamelo can you keep it down? I'm not feeling well today." I said.

"Yeah, Sure."

For some reason I wasn't feeling right at all. I was having some contractions, and a mild headache, I didn't even want to eat anything because I felt sick.

Liangelo walked over to where Lamelo was sitting and went to talk to him.

"Let's go get in the car you two." Liangelo said. "I'll drive."

"What why?? The game isn't over!" Lamelo whined.
"Oh come on Lamelo! Forget the stupid game, I feel like I need to go for a quick drive too." I said.

"Fine.." he groaned and dragged himself outside.

I rubbed my bump because it was hurting some. It shouldn't be time for the baby I thought. That's next week. What's wrong with me?

We all gathered up in the car and now we're on the road.

"I can't wait for my niece!" Liangelo gushed. "I mean, we have one week left!"

"I'm excited too!" Lamelo said. "She's definitely gonna look like me."

"She better look like me." I laughed.
Ouch! It kinda hurt to laugh too.

"When we got those 4D pictures, I didn't know who that baby looked like." Liangelo chimed in.

"Gelo where are we going?" I asked.

"Just to the store real quick to pick up some food for my friend." He said.

We walked into the store and went through the isles.
"Lamelo, grab me some Tylenol would you?" I asked.

"Yeah, be right back."

Why am I feeling so weird? What the hell is going on in my stomach.

Even my vaginal area caught some tension. And not in a sexual way. It kinda hurt.

"G, can we hurry up? I'm not feeling my best today."

"Yeah." He said. "Lamelo hurry that ass up!" He yelled across the store.

Everyone looked at Gelo like he was crazy.

Finally, after twenty five minutes of driving around, we pulled up to an air bnb.

Liangelo knocked on the door and there was Lonzo standing there, mostly looking at me.

Well ain't that bout a bitch.

"Oh wowww Gelo, I didn't realize your friend was Lonzo!" I said annoyed.

"Look, I know but I just wanna make everything right between everyone!" He said.

We all stepped in and made ourselves comfortable on Lonzo's couch.

I sat close to Lamelo as he whispered funny things about Lonzo to calm me down.

"Denise! Can you come down for a second?" Lonzo called from down stairs.

Are you serious?? Denise was the last person I wanted to see after almost ruining my baby shower!

Denise came downstairs and widened her eyes, surprised to see me.

"Lonzo what the HELL is she doing here?" She said.

"Come on Denise, stop it. You're gonna apologize for real this time so we can end this family feud!" Liangelo said shaking his head.

"She's not my family!" Me and Denise said in unison.

The Escort (A Lamelo ball Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now