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I moved his hands down to my waist not letting him get me fully undressed yet.

"B..You know I'm pregnant. I got the whole Melo situation going on and-"
"You should be able to feel good though," he said. "Fun fact: Doctors recommended sex during pregnancy too."

I smirked at him. "So all of a sudden your a doctor?"
"Nope. I just see pleasure when it's needed."

Ingram swooped me up into his arms and carried me to the bedroom.
He placed me on the bed and kissed all the way from my neck down to my stomach.

So there it happened. I had sex with Ingram. 2 hours of Pleasure, Happiness, and Gratefulness.

He smiled at me again before turning off the light too sleep.
I loved the way he treated me, Not just in bed but in General. This right here was a real man.

I woke up to smell the amazing aroma of Ingram's breakfast.

"What's on the menu today?" I asked coming down the stairs.

"Raspberry scones with a blackberry purée smoothed on top. Some fresh eggs, nicely cut sausage, and a margarita on the side." He said.

I could feel my mouth watering as he said that. I even patted my mouth to make sure I wasn't drooling or anything.

We sat down at the table and began to eat.
"So what was all that last night?" I asked him.
"Sex as friends." He said while sipping on his margarita.
"Behind those eyes I can still see you have at least something for Lamelo. You just need a little time."

I was shocked that he knew that. "Okay I admit you're right, but that doesn't take away of how good you've been to me B, like nobody else ever has."

He smiled at me and nodded.

My phone started to ring and it was Lamelo.
"I'm gonna take this call real quick." I said.
"No worries, I'll clean all this up." Ingram said picking up the dishes.

I went to the bathroom and answered the phone.
"Wassup." Lamelo said.

"Let's meet up again. I need to talk to you about some things."
"Like what kind of thing Lamelo? We literally just had a discussion."

"Come on Ronnie, Please." He begged.
"Fine I'll fly out to Charlotte with B."
"Alright bye."
"Bye Bye."

"What did he want?" Ingram asked opening the bathroom door.
"To see me. You don't mind if we fly out to Charlotte tomorrow right?" I asked.
"I don't mind at all. As long as you get what you need to get done." He said.

He kissed my forehead and I smiled at him.

Ingram sat down on the couch and I followed and sat next to him.
"So what's up with you and Melo?" He asked.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean it's like he's trying to win you back. Are you in for it?" He asked.

"Just as much as I wanna get back with Lamelo, we need time apart in order to form a healthy relationship. As a couple of business wise. I'm not a go-backer, I'm a one step at a time-er."

"So we're just inventing new words now? I guess I'm the take-er Care-er for you then." He laughed.
"Shut up B!" I snickered. "That doesn't even make any sense!"

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and stood up quickly.
I groaned while holding my stomach and shut my eyes tightly.

"Just early stage contractions." Ingram said while rubbing my stomach.
"You need some hot green tea and to lay down straight on your back with your legs propped up."
He said. "I'll go start the tea."

He handed me a nice warm blanket, put some pillows behind my head and under my feet, then kissed my forehead.

I loved the way he took care of me.

"How do you know all of this stuff B? Are you sure you're not a secret doctor or something?" I laughed.

"My mama worked in the medical field ever since I popped out. The only doctor that helped birth me was herself." He laughed.

There was a knock at the door and Ingram dashed to get it.

To my surprise it was Lonzo. I haven't seen him since Lamelo fucked him up.

I waved at him and he looked at me and grunted.
Did I hear that right.
Did this bitch just grunt at me??

"What's your problem?" I asked him.
"Sorry I didn't mean to grunt at you...I'm just going through a lot with my dad."

"I understand." I said. "He's a dick."

Ingram and Lonzo looked at me wide eyed.
I felt embarrassed. I shouldn't have said that.

"Sorry." I said. "Me and your dad just have bad blood, that's all."
"Oh no it's fine. He can be a bitch sometimes." Lonzo laughed.

Ingram ran to the windows and closed the curtains.
"What's your deal bro?" Lonzo asked confused.

"You two are in the same room after the incident. I don't want no shit going down having open windows and all."

Lonzo rolled his eyes but I just smiled. It was so nice for him to keep us out of trouble. I had just got on Lamelo's good side too.

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