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"Are you sure you're gonna be alright?" Ingram asked while helping pack my things.
"I promise I'll be fine, B." I said.

I put all my cosmetic things into another duffel bag.
"I told you, I'll call you whenever you're not busy." I said. "I've gained more willpower, I'll get on Melo's ass if I need to."

He let out a little chuckle as we continued packing.
After about 30 minutes we were set to get on the airplane. I shouldn't have been traveling while pregnant, but it's best for me and my child.

While on the flight, I felt a little nauseous at times, but managed to get through it. Ingram checked up on me about every hour to make sure I was doing alright.

We finally reached Charlotte and I took a deep breath. I'm back to my old life again, Moving back in with Lamelo, as his escort.

We got in the car and Ingram could sense my nervousness.
He put a hand on my lap and started to make out with me. I was pretty in to it but I knew exact what I wanted and was going for: a healthy relationship with Lamelo.

I pulled back from the kiss and wiped my mouth a little.
"B Cmon. You already know my plans."
"Sorry. I just love how your lips feel." He said giving me a half smile. "Kissing you always feels great, Ronnie."

As much as I enjoyed his kisses, I needed to focus on other things. One more kiss can't hurt though, I thought.

I took off my seatbelt and got on top of his lap. We started making out like crazy, i even took off my shirt!
Ingram snapped his fingers as we reached Lamelo's house and I quickly put my shirt back on. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"I want you to be happy girl," he said. "So let's just say I'm your friend and this never happened."
I giggled. "It never happened. Got it, B."

He walked me up to Lamelo's door and his security followed behind carrying my stuff.
"I think so."

We knocked on Lamelo's door and he came faster than ever.
"Huge crowd." He said looking at all of us.
I rolled my eyes and let myself in.
Everyone followed putting my bags inside and then left. Everyone except Ingram.

I hugged him tight.
"I'll miss you B." I said looking up at him.
"I'll miss you too, remember call me if you need anything." He said. "And you can visit if you ever need to relieve some stress." He winked.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. His sex jokes were corny but secretive so Lamelo had no idea.

I watched out the window as he waved and then got into his car and left.
I sure was gonna miss being with him every day. Ingram was very good to m-

I felt a smack on my butt to see it was Lamelo.
"Lamelo!" I yelled. "You know my rules!"

"Smacking your butt isn't sexual. We do it in basketball, and none of us are gay." He said. "You just happened to be turned on by it.

He was right. I couldn't take that away from him.
"Whatever." I said while going towards the kitchen.

"I'll just go put your bags upstairs in you room." He said, taking them.

I was craving something sweet, and I needed it NOW. I looked around in Lamelo's kitchen and made myself a nice bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, vanilla ice cream, and almond milk.

Lamelo came downstairs shirtless and I almost choked on my ice cream mix.
Clearly the mix wasn't the only snack in the room! I wanted to let loose but I remained to my rules.

"Don't be such a tease, Melo." I said.
"I'm not being a tease," he said with a smirk. "You're just attracted."

Lamelo went to the kitchen and got a spoon. He dug his spoon into my bowl, then put it in his mouth. Some of the ice cream dripped down from his chest down his stomach, not making it in his mouth.

He got his finger and got the excess ice cream off of his stomach.
He put his finger in his mouth to taste it.
"Mmmm.." He moaned in my ear.

My heart started to beat really fast. He was trying very hard to turn me on.
I gave him a slap to the side of the face. "Dammit Melo, stop!"

I've been here less than an hour, there's no way I can make it without getting back with Lamelo in the next couple of days.

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