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I woke up at 5 this morning, and Brittany drove me to the airport.

"You sure you wanna go?" Brit asked worried. "What if it's a set up? And you're pregnant. Too much stress could cause you to lose your baby."

"I didn't want this baby to begin with Brit." I said shaking my head.

That was kinda rude and uncalled for I shouldn't have said what I said. Brit focused on her driving as we stopped at the airport.

"Tell me if anything goes wrong." She said hugging me. "I'll get my big brother to whoop his ass if he tries anything."

I laughed for the first time in days and told Brittany that I would be okay. I carried my suitcases to Lamelo's private jet. It all started with me breaking up with him over a misunderstanding, what does he want?

Everything was moving a little too fast for me, kinda like a movie. But would I get my happy ending?

I boarded onto the private jet with his security saying nothing to me. Lamelo looked up at me but didn't smile or even care to greet me.

"I guess I don't exist huh?" I asked.

"I didn't say that." Lamelo said. "Listen you're lucky I'm being real nice. It's gonna be hard for you out here so I'm offering you your job back."

"I'm roomies with Brittany, I don't need a job."
I lied. I really do need a job so I don't bombard her.

"Yeah right." Lamelo said rolling his eyes. "Are you gonna take it or leave it?"

"I'll take it." I said. "But why me?"

"Because you're the only one I can trust....Business Wise."

I need to tell him. Lamelo needs to know, what I have going on.... Inside me!

"Lamelo." I said.
"Shh. Don't talk. At all." He said, not even looking at me.

I did what Lamelo said and we didn't interact at all. It was pretty much a quiet flight, other than Lamelo FaceTiming his friends being loud for nothing.

We had finally landed in New Orleans.
Lamelo had threw his bags direction me so I could carry them.
"Hey! Don't do that!" I yelled "you don't know that I'm-" I stopped myself. There was no way he was gonna listen to me anyway.

We had got to our Hotel room and Lamelo pushed his bed further towards the window away from my bed. I rolled my eyes. He's so petty over something he doesn't know. If only he would just sit his ass down and listen. "The game is in about 45 minutes, go get dressed."

I got dress and put on a regular cute outfit to wear. I wasn't going to do the sexy outfit, it reminded me too much of us.

I escorted Lamelo out to the Car as paparazzi was crazier than ever. They were asking questions about our little situation between me, Lamelo, and Lonzo.

As more Comments and flashes came towards us, Lamelo became more and more angry.

"Get that camera out of my face before I shove it up your asshole white boy!" Lamelo had yelled at him.
I pulled Lamelo's arm to avoid trouble

Lamelo snatched his arm away from me. "Don't fucking touch me!" He yelled with a booming voice. The look in his eyes showed he was completely losing it.

He stormed off to the car and I trailed behind him. It was a little hard to run knowing I was pregnant and felt weaker than I usually would.

Lamelo didn't care to say goodbye to me as I took my court side seat. I could feel all eyes on me. Just a few days ago me and Lonzo had been framed for something we didn't do.

Lamelo was pretty fired up for the game. Mainly targeting Lonzo. He was trash talking the whole other team and getting a little disrespectful with the refs.

Lamelo was making shot after shot! He was a beast out there! But for the wrong reason.

Lonzo tried to sympathize with Lamelo after another teammate made a shot, but Lamelo wasn't having it.
He punched Lonzo straight and the nose and down went Lonzo.

The crowd started to get wild as Lamelo hopped on top of Lonzo, repeatedly throwing punch after punch!

Lonzo was eating those punches though, he took it like a man, managing to spit in Lamelo's face and slapping him. The refs and teammates finally broke up the fight and the two were taken off court after a technical foul.

Lamelo glared at me as he walked off the court trying to make me feel bad as if it was my fault! He was trying to guilt trip and Manipulate me.

It was scheduled for them to play the Pelicans, he knew that! I don't make the rules! I don't own the NBA!

I watched the rest of the game and hurried to the back, I needed to tell Lamelo the whole truth!

As I ran, my legs started to feel wobbly like jelly, and my head started to ache.
I got slower and slower until I fell onto my knees.

Two players came to my aide quickly and helped me onto my feet.

"You alright girl?" The buff one said.
"I'm Zion."
"Zion..." I repeated. "I'll try and remember that."
The other one skinny but with muscle didn't say anything.

They took me to the medic and explained my situation.
Lonzo was there getting his nose checked out. He looked at me with a 'it's not your fault' face.

I quickly turned away from him as the medic checked me and gave me some water.
"Thought you passed out back there." The skinnier one said.
I smiled and thanked him for his assistance.
"What's ya name girl?" He asked studying me to see if I was okay.
"Veronica Sinclair."
"Beautiful name." He said smiling at me.
"Ronnie for short. What's yours?"
"Brandon Xavier Ingram." He said. " but I go by Ingram or B for short."

I nodded and rubbed my stomach.

"Your tummy alright girl?" He asked.
"Yeah It's just because I'm expecting..." I said. Lonzo looked at me and then went back to talking to the medic.

"Who's the lucky guy?" Ingram asked.
"Well.... It's Lamelo. He's the only one I've ever slept with. I'm only 18."

"And we're not really on good terms, since that incident on social media. I'm just his assistant right now."

"Oh yeah Zo told me about it." Ingram said. "And I actually believe it. There are some snakes out there who try to paint you as the bad guy, but trust me the good Karma comes."

I nodded.
"Try and talk to Lamelo, he needs to be there for his child. He's a dirtbag for believing the internet."

Ingram shut his mouth and looked towards the door. Lamelo was standing there. He looked at me and then down at my stomach. Stood like he had just seen a ghost, and continued on with his day.

The Escort (A Lamelo ball Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now