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~ 1 week later~
It was time to fly out for another game. As much as I was worried about leaving my mom yet again, she said she would be just fine.
The Hornets were playing the trailblazers tonight in Oregon. I carried Lamelo's bags as usual.
Two of his security guards looked at me and snickered as I was struggling to carry his bags and pull his suitcase.

Are they seriously laughing at me? Why don't they take their big asses and carry these bags themselves??

"Lamelooo..." I whined. "My arms hurt."
"We're almost there. Less complaining more pulling." He went back on his phone.

I rolled my eyes but still did what he said. He was glued to that phone! Who could he possibly be talking to??

As soon as I got on the plane I was mad at Lamelo for barely interacting with me or helping me. So I picked up one of his heavy bags and threw it on him.

Lamelo just ignored me. He kicked the bag onto the floor and went back to on his phone.
Was he serious right now?? Where's the fun Lamelo??

We landed a little bit later than expected and had to rush to the game. I got changed inside the plane since there was nowhere else to change.
Lamelo commanded his security to go take out stuff to the hotel while we went to the game.

Before he got onto the court I pulled his arm.
"What's up with you today Melo?" I asked.
"Nothing. I just got stuff on my mind." He looked away and smiled for a little bit.

He turned back to me and pulled me into a big hug. "Make sure you go get your seat." He laughed.
"Okay I will."
"Alright. I'll meet you-"
"Off court." I smiled while finishing his sentence.
He smiled back at me and ran onto the court while I took my seat.

I cheered for Lamelo the whole game. Everytime he made a shot it made me smile when he would look back at me.
I really enjoyed the game, well except for when Pj would come over and flirt with me. This man has a whole girlfriend and baby on the way, I'm not a home wrecker.

The Hornets lost 109-112 because of a lucky three pointer Damian Lillard made.
I was still proud of Lamelo and talked to him after the game.

He kept looking at his phone and texting a lot. Maybe it was Tally trying to talk to him again, but whoever it was probably wasn't important.

Lamelo stared at his phone then reached for his pocket. He handed me $2,000 dollars in cash.
"Why are you giving me this?" I questioned.
"Why don't you go have some fun for tonight. Go to a club, get your nails done, go shopping, something." He said. "I have some important stuff to do."

"Don't you need me to be there?" I asked.
"No it's fine. You get a night off I guess." He looked back at his phone.

I took the money Lamelo gave me and decided to shop for some clothes. I got a ton of cute outfits and tried them all on which ran up to $1,200.
Since I had some money left, I decided to buy some Champagne for me and Lamelo to sip on while we watch tv and talk like we always do.

I got a taxi and then tried to call Lamelo to let him know I was coming back. He didn't answer. I even texted him a couple times asking if he was okay and I was left on delivered. Maybe, he's just sleep I instantly thought.

I walked up to our hotel room prepared to clean so Melo would pay me $200 extra.
As I opened the door, There was a girl cuddling and laughing with Lamelo. The sheets were pulled over them but I could tell they were naked under.

Lamelo looked at me wide eyed and was starting to worry.
"Babe, Who's this girl?" She asked looking at me.

For some reason my Heart started to ache. The word "babe" replayed in my head and gave me a bad taste in my mouth. Why was I feeling like this anyway? It felt like heartbreak, but I'm just his escort. Not his girlfriend. Maybe that time of month is starting to come early.
"Who are you?" I asked quietly.
"I'm his girlfriend of 6 months." She said. "my name's Alaina."
6 months?? Wow. I have to admit she was very pretty.

"Hey, i asked for your name first." She said with some attitude.

"I'm his escort...." I said.
The room was silent.
You could hear a pin drop.
Alaina look at Lamelo and said one thing to him: "don't fucking call me." She put a towel over herself and went in the bathroom to change.

What did I just do??? I looked down at the ground and could feel Lamelo's eyes on me.
Alaina grabbed her things and glared at me and Lamelo. "Both of you are disgusting!" She said.

She looked back at me and glared. "The fact that you would be a sex worker too... So embarrassing. Do better."

I glared back at her. "I am NOT his sex worker. I'm his assistant. Not all escorts are for the same thing."

"Oh yeah come up with these excuses to protect your pimp." She said rolling her eyes.
My pimp?? Who does this girl think she is?? And why does everyone seem to have a problem with me??

"First off," I started. "Don't you ever tell me what the fuck I do. I told you I'm like his assistant. If I was hoeing around I would have said so."

"I suggest you back the fuck up. I'm from Chicago hoe, you don't know where I been."

Lamelo stood up and got a little closer.

"Bitch Fuck you and Chicago. Kiss my ass!" I said shoving her a little.
That's when she Spit in my face...
I was shocked, Lamelo was shocked, and she just stood there with an evil grin.

I wiped the spit off my face and tied my hair up ready to fight. Momma ain't raise no bitch, I don't take no shit from nobody.
"Lamelo hold this." I said giving him my bag.
"I'm bout to beat the shit out of this little white girl."

Lamelo's eyes widened as he took my bag.
I threw a punch and she grabbed my hair. She gotta pretty good grip but i wasn't about to lose this fight as she was smacking me in the face. I kicked her in the stomach and onto the floor.

Before she could get up, I hopped on top of her and started punching like crazy. She continued pulling my hair as I grabbed her hair and banged her head against a corner of the table. Lamelo was yelling at us to stop he picked me up and I stomped her face a couple times before he threw me on the bed.

Lamelo walked Alaina out the door and closed it behind them. I could here some talking and screaming. Then it was silence. I got a bottle of water and drunk it to calm myself down.

Lamelo Came back in the room and just looked at me.
"Look, I'm sorry Lamelo but I don't let anyone disrespect me. ANYONE."
"No stop." He said.
Was he really about to take his ex's side?? Can this night get any worse.

"Look I can get out if you want me to...this job has been a lot. More trouble just comes in along the way. It's not good for you or me." I said. I could feel hot tears forming in my eyes.

"No." He said. "It's my fault I need to pay more attention to how you feel... it's always Melo wants, Melo do. And I'm really sorry for that." He got up and hugged me.

I closed my eyes as we hugged. Usually our hugs were friendly, but this one felt personal. Why am I acting so weird? I am NOT his girlfriend. I'm just an escort.

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