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Ex girlfriend??
Oh no. I did not need this. Not now. Not ever.
Can a bitch catch a break for once?

I turned around in my seat and looked down at the ground.

"Chin up, Babygirl." Brittany said. "Don't show signs of weakness."

She was right. I needed to look superior to those girls, I was better than them. I had one thing they didn't, some damn class.

Lamelo had walked over to me as the game was going to start in about 5 minutes.

"Hiiii Lamelo!" Ashley said while twirling her hair.
"How have you been?"

Lamelo looked at Ashley and back at me.
"Look I know you might be confused right now, but she's just my high school ex."

I nodded. That still wasn't enough to get me out of my mood.

"Come on Ashley, I have enough on my plate." Lamelo said. "I suggest you and you're friend go on."

"But we're here to watch you play!" She said in a whiny baby voice. "I sowwy."
She pushed out her lip and pouted.

Isn't she grown now? Why was she acting like a damn three year old??
I rolled my eyes.

"Im not like other girls Melo, you know I love sports."

Yup, shes one of those pick me girls. I called it from the start. Lamelo rolled his eyes and focused back on me.
He moved my hair from my face I gave me a smile.
"Now you just sit here and look sexy ok? That shouldn't be too hard."

"Thank you Lamelo." I laughed letting him hug me.

Ashley groaned and tapped on her friend asking to move to another seat.

I smiled at her and looked back at Lamelo.
"Do great." I said.

He nodded and jogged onto court.

Lamelo was playing good, better than ever. He made shot after shot, played good defense, and he had one hell of a good sportsmanship too.

I loved seeing him out there, basketball was his home.

Lamelo's POV:

I played hard for Ronnie and Ronnie only.
She is my Rock, she's the only Person I really cared about other than Family.

I also play hard for my baby boy too,
"Baby girl." I could hear Ronnie's voice playing in my head."

It was halftime and I ran over to her.
"Ashley's not bothering you is she?" I asked.
"Nope! I'm all good." She said. She turned her attention back on Brittany and I went to the bench with my teammates.

I just wanted everything to be perfect, Ashley was here to intimidate her but there is no way I'm going back to her ass.

Ronnie truly has my heart, and all I've done was hurt her. Not this time though, it's time to get up and be a real Man.

What I had, was the best I'll probably ever get. I will continue to strive until I get it back.

I will not change only for my unborn child, but for Ronnie.
MY Ronnie.

End of POV.

Me and Britt Chatted in the hallway after the game ended.
I got a call and realized it was Ingram.
"I'm gonna take this call real quick!" I told Brittany.

"Take your time girl!" She told me.

I went by the bathrooms and answered the phone.
"Hey B!" I said.
"Hey! How's my favorite girl doing?"
"I'm doing great B! Can you believe I find out the gender in two whole days??"
"I can't believe it! My little nephew is growing so big!"
"Niece!" I corrected him and laughed.

"Well I was just calling to check on you girl. Give me a call when you two find out the gender."
" I will B! Talk to you soon!"
"All right, Bye Bye."

Lamelo walked over to me after he got changed out of his sweaty uniform.
"Ready yo go?" He asked.
"More ready than ever."

We got into the car and Lamelo drove us home.
He helped me into the house and I took a seat onto the couch.

I was tired as hell.
As much as that game was good, it was tiring to be there all night.

A knock came to Lamelo's door and I prayed it wouldn't be any girl he used to mess with.
To my very Surprise, it was my mom!

She stared at me and I just stared back at her.
She invited herself in and Lamelo closed the door.
"I'll just be upstairs..." he said walking up the stairs.

"I don't want to talk to you." I said frowning at her. My own Mother abandoned me, she abandoned me when I needed her most.
If I didn't have some good people around me, who knows what would have happened to me?

"Mi Hija..." she started.
"No! I don't wanna talk to you." I flopped onto the couch.
"Mi Hija, I'm sorry!" She cried out. "I know you needed me, but when you were in all this drama, then having a baby with a boy you barley know!"

I looked down at the ground.

"You know it was a stupid decision." She looked at my stomach "but there's no getting rid of it now..."

"Are you suggesting I should have got an abortion?" Tears fell down my face. "I don't even know if it's okay for me to call you mom anymore. Ever since we moved here, I had my happiest moments and then other moments were full of hell. I went through literal hell."

I started to break down.
"And I needed you most!" I pointed at her. "You're my mom! You're supposed to have my back no matter what! But even when I made a mistake you never cared to comfort me! That's not what moms do!" I cried.

She looked down but then up at me.
" I did not want you to grow up like this Mi Hija! You brought this on yourself! Because you wanted to be messing around!" She yelled at me.

I couldn't believe her. First she came to apologize, now she was going full blown angry mom on me!

"I want you out!" I pointed to the door. "Now! Out now!"

She gave me the most angriest looks ever. Like she was out for murder. She stormed off and slammed the door.

I picked up the tv remote and threw it at the door sobbing.

"Hey, Hey!" Lamelo said rushing over to me.
He pulled me into a hug and he rested my head against his chest.
"It's okay, Ronnie. It's not your fault, it didn't happen on purpose."

I didn't know wether to think if he was right or wrong.
Ever heard the phrase 'everything happens for a reason' ?

The Escort (A Lamelo ball Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now