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"Nope." He said. "Wait..ooh! I've got one!"
"What is it then babe?" I asked.

"So you know how I'm Lamelo, right?"
"Let's name her Lamela!" He said.

"Oh hell no." I scrunched up my nose. "Sounds like a famous crackhead or something."

Lamelo rolled his eyes.

"I mean I can't think of any babe. So just say what comes to mind. Try again."
"And be serious this time Lamelo!" I said.
"Okayyyy." He groaned.

Lamelo thought long and hard for like two minutes.
"I think I've got it." He said. "I hope you like it because this one took some effort."

"And the name is?" I asked waiting.
"I'm thinking Aiko Rosé Ball." He said.

I was surprised Lamelo could come up with the sort.
"That's beautiful Lamelo! I really love it!"

"Any other names?" He asked.
"Nope. It's perfect. Aiko Rosé Ball." I tried it out.

Lamelo went down onto my stomach again and pulled up my shirt a little.
"Goodnight My Aiko." He said. "Daddy loves you." He gave my bump a couple of kisses.

I could feel Aiko moving a little bit, her feet again pushing on one of the sides.

"I know, you're almost ready princess!" Lamelo said.
He then kissed me goodnight and turned off the Lamp.

"Hey babe." He said.
"After this one, can we have another?"
"Go to sleep Lamelo."
"I want twins too."
"Lamelo. Sleep. Now."
"Okay, Okay fine."

Lamelo kissed me one more time. Okay well another, then another, until we were just there making out.

I finally let go from the kiss knowing how exhausted I was.
"Come on babe." I said as he sucked on my neck.
"It's time to go to bed."
"Alright." He said and actually went to sleep for real.

The next morning, I got up a little earlier and cooked breakfast for Lamelo. I made homemade French toast, eggs, smoked sausage, and poured him some wine to sip on.

Lamelo came downstairs and greeted me with a hug and some kisses.
"How's my lovely lady doing today?" He asked.
"I'm doing great babe, come sit I made us breakfast."

"Everything looks delicious! I see you even got me some wine too!" He smirked.

"Sure did! Your favorite too."
Lamelo looked at the wine and back at me.

"You sure you won't feel some type of way since you can't drink this?" He asked raising the glass.

"I'm fine, Melo. I have some orange juice right over here."

"Ugh, not again." Lamelo asked.
"What is it babe? You don't like my food?"

"No baby, I love your food, it's just that when I blocked Ashley, she keeps texting me from other phones trying to win me back." He said.

"Oh." I said looking down at the ground.
"I'm pretty sure you two were tight huh?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah. But she had to be one of the most toxic girls I have ever dealt with." He said.

He then looked up at me and saw my slightly sad look on my face.
"Don't be intimidated by her, babe. She could never compare to you, you're a Queen. My Queen."
He said. "You gotta be more confident."

"It's hard to be more confident when you've gained some weight, can do a lot of things you used to, sometimes I feel less pretty compared to all the beautiful women out there that have interacted with you."

He put my chin up for me and looked me in the eyes. "Stop it." He said.

"But Lamelo, people don't even look at me as Lamelo's sexy girlfriend. I'm more like, the escort who opened her legs and made his life take a turn. There's no room for confidence."

"You listen to me, Ronnie." He said. "You are the most beautiful woman ever. You're an Aphrodite compared to these chicks out here. Your face card says it all! I love you, and I need you to love yourself too. Sure you have a mom body, but to me you have a really sexy one. And you getting pregnant was the best worst mistake ever. I couldn't ask for more." He smiled and started to kiss me.

"I love you." He said.
"I love you more." I smiled.

Whenever Lamelo would have serious uplifting talks to solve any problems I had, it honestly made my day. He was the sweetest boyfriend ever and the most supportive no matter what. He was like my biggest fan.

Ding dong!

"I'll go get the door baby." He said giving me another kiss.
Lamelo went to the door and stood there in silence. Then he broke the silence with an aggravated tone.

"What the do you want? You always bother me about him." He said.

"Oh I'm not here about Lonzo." Denise said as she opened the door more and let herself in.

"I'm here for this bitch right there." She said pointing at me.

What?? What does she want for me.

"I hope you know how to fight, you whore." She said. "You know what you did."

I backed away and Lamelo jumped in the middle.
"Touch her and that's Your ass Denise." He said.

"No! She was in her house alone with my baby's father with a damn towel on!" She yelled.

Lamelo already knew this story and he knew this was untrue after I had told him the truth.

"Denise! It's not what you think it was!" I yelled.
"Yeah, she's not lying either!" Lamelo jumped to my defense.

Denise was not in for it though, before We could act she took a hard swing towards me and Bam! Lights out!

The Escort (A Lamelo ball Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now