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It's been 2 weeks. I stayed at home with my mom as she tried her best to console me.
But nothing could help me get over him.

Lamelo had Blocked me on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and he wouldn't answer my calls or texts. The only time I would ever see him was on Tv. Other than basketball, He would be partying with girls and had a couple new escorts walk him on and off the court.

I just couldn't handle it anymore. I wanted Lamelo, I NEEDED Lamelo. I never thought much of life until I met him. Now, I don't even exist to him all due to a misunderstanding.
I ignored Zo's calls and Texts and was angry at him for making me look like something I'm not. Because of him, I lost someone I really care about.

I only talked to Liangelo. But only in private at my house. Liangelo had no type of Romantic interest in me so nobody could say something about us if they wanted to.

"Anything?" I asked Gelo.
"Nope. He doesn't want me to talk about you at all. Or at least when he's around."
"It was a misunderstanding G! What doesn't he get about that??"
"That's Melo for ya." Gelo said while playing with his hair.
I thanked Gelo for a good talk and told him I would see him later.
I laid across my couch wanting to cry more and more.

"I shouldn't be crying over a stupid boy!" I said to myself while turning on the Tv. "I hope he knows what he had, was the best he'll ever get."

Oh what's the use? This confidence training isn't working! I slumped down on the couch more.

"I'm home Mi hija!" My mom said coming through the door. "And I've got chick fil a! Your favorite!" She handed me 20 piece count chick fila nuggets, some Chick fil a sauce, and waffle fries.
Food has always been something that cheered me up. Matter of fact, Food was my first love.

My Mom sat beside me as we watched a couple episodes of shameless, one of my personal favorites.

The Next morning I got a text from Liangelo.

Gelo: Hey.
Me: Hey G.
Gelo: Hey go put on some clothes if you haven't already. We're gonna be out in a public park so don't look like a slob.
Me: Since when do I ever look like a slob except these past couple of weeks?
Gelo: go get Dressed.
Gelo: I'll send you the area
Me: okay I'll see you G.
Gelo: I'll see you soon.

I put on a nice little outfit to go walking in the park with Gelo. I needed to look my best just in case paparazzi showed up out of nowhere. Nothing too much, but definitely not showing up looking like I belong in a homeless shelter.

 Nothing too much, but definitely not showing up looking like I belong in a homeless shelter

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Perfect! I looked and felt great. I drove to the park location Liangelo sent me and I have to admit it was a really beautiful park! The only thing is I couldn't find Gelo. Did he bail on me??

Me: Where you at fool?
Gelo: what do you mean where am I at?
Me: at the park! Where are you at the park?
Me: Dammit Gelo.
Gelo: ohhhh right the park. Sorry
Gelo: just walk down the trail and then there should be some stairs. Go up the stairs and I'll be there
Me: Okay. See you.

I walked down the trail alone. I could here rustling in the bushes and cracks under my feet as I stepped on sticks and rocks. I clutched my purse and made sure I was aware of my surroundings. You don't know who's creeping around these days.

After about 5 minutes of walking, I finally found the stairs! What a relief! As I walked up the stairs I saw a beautiful fountain and a little bench with roses around it and gifts on one of the sides.

Oh Gelo! Always trying to make me feel better. Hopefully he's not thinking the other way, I'd hate to let him down like this.
"Where is Gelo anyway?" I said while looking around the area.
"Surprise!" A tall figure jumped from behind the fountain.
I jumped back and screamed. I almost fell to the ground after regaining my balance. I moved Closer to the fountain to get a better look...

The Escort (A Lamelo ball Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now