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I was awaken to some warm sheets and something nice and soft under me.

I opened my eyes a little to see I was laying on a couch I was not familiar with.
I looked up to see a brown skin woman staring down on me, she was beautiful, and looked quite familiar.

I jumped up from the couch startled. Before I could see who it was , I had to throw up again. I dashed to a little room with a bathroom in it and puked.

The woman held my hair up for me while rubbing my back. "You okay sweetheart?" She asked concerned.
I looked up at her, realizing it was Pj Washington's ex!
"You're not mad at me? Knowing I kinda split your family?" I asked tiredly.
"Of course not!" She said. "If it wasn't for you, I would have been with a cheater!"

She handed me a toothbrush and I thanked her.
"Brittany is the name." She said nicely. "I'll be in the kitchen!"

I nodded and brushed my teeth to get the bad taste out of my mouth.
What's wrong with me? Why am I puking so much? Could I be? No. No way. Don't even think like that Ronnie.

"I heard about you and Lamelo." Brittany said. "When I finished clubbing with my friends, we took the wrong exit and found you there. We took you back to my place knowing your little incident."

"It's not what you think it is. The picture was taken wrongly." I sighed.
"What happened?"
"Lonzo had came over to ask me to plan his birthday, I had just got out the shower so I wrapped myself in a towel, he smiled after I agreed if only he would pay me."

Brittany nodded and did her best to console me as she made me some breakfast.

"You can stay here as long as you want, honey." She smiled giving me a hug. "I'm here for you."

She gave me some eggs, bacon, and a cinnamon bun. I gobbled up the eggs and bacon and then got ready for my favorite, the cinnamon bun.

As I lifted it up to my mouth it smelled disgusting, and as I took a small bite of it, it tasted terrible!

"Hey girl, not to be rude, but is this bread old?" I asked her.
"Nope just bought it yesterday!" She said eating hers.

"I usually love cinnamon buns! I just don't seem to like this one."

We cleaned up after eating and loaded to the car. Brittany said we had a stop to make. We drove all the way to the pharmacy and she picked up a pregnancy test.

Why would she need that? She knows she's pregnant! I decided not to question her as we reached her house.

"Here." She said handing me the test.
"What do you want me to do with it?" I asked her.
"Go take the test." She said. " I wanna see something."

So weird. But then again she's letting me stay here till I get back on my feet so I'll do what she's says in her house only.

I took the pregnancy test and we waited about ten to fifteen minutes for the results.
"Brittany I really don't think I need this." I said, motioning to pick up the test. "You're pregnant not m-"

My eyes got very wide, and my heart sunk to my ass for the third day in a row.
Brittany rushed over to me and looked at the test in shock too.

As much as I thought this streak of bad luck was over, it wasn't

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As much as I thought this streak of bad luck was over, it wasn't. I was pregnant with a baby. Lamelo's baby for sure. He was the only person whom I had ever had sex with.

Brittany had pulled me into a hug, consoling me to her best ability.

I didn't cry this time. I was angry, confused, and scared all at the same time. I needed someone to talk to. I went upstairs to the guest bedroom and called my mom.
To my surprise she answered!
I took some deep breaths getting ready to explain my situation.

"Stop calling my phone. We don't need to talk Ronnie." She said and then hung up.

I was in complete shock, she was clearly angry at me knowing she didn't call me "Mi Hija"

At this point I wanted to die, dig a hole, crawl in it, and die. Moving to Charlotte had to be one of the best worst decisions in my entire life.

My phone ring to my surprise as it was Lamelo. "Come meet me a the airport tomorrow at 6am and don't be late." Lamelo said. "Bring the clothes you know you need to bring."

My heart beat a million times.

Should I be happy or confused? What the hell was going on?

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