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"What a night!" Lamelo said flopping onto the bed.
"You tell me!" I giggled. "I never knew you liked to dance so much!"
"Yeah, sometimes." He replied.

I went to the bathroom and changed into some cute night clothes I had packed. I told Lamelo I was done and he changed after me. I picked up Melo's mess in the room and made sure everything looked nice and neat.

I went to the kitchen and took a sip of my sprite I had saved in the refrigerator. I scrolled through Twitter for a little bit liking and retweeting.

"What are you smiling about over there?" Lamelo asked, looking at me.
"None of your-"
Lamelo came out with No shirt and only some shorts.
"Lamelo! Where are the rest of your pajamas??" I asked shocked.
"What do you mean? These ARE my pajamas."
I looked him up and down again.

" I looked him up and down again

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"Whatever, Melo." I said.
"Got any more of those Danishes? He asked.
"I sure do." I said with a smile. I put the danishes in the microwave and warmed them up. I put three on a plate for Lamelo and one for me.
I sat down with Lamelo at the table.

After finishing our danishes, I decided to wash the dishes.

"So...I see you and Zo got along well at the club." Melo said while playing with his hair.
"Yeah. He's pretty funny!" I smiled
"Yeah! Pretty Funny looking!" Lamelo said laughing.
"Oh stop Lamelo, that's your brother."
"I wouldn't car if it was my grandma, if you're funny looking then you're funny looking."

I dried off the dishes and started to put them away.
"When's the next game?" I asked him.
"Next Tuesday. It's a home game so we'll be closer to your mom."
"That's great! You know I worry about her..."
"She's in good hands! Promise."

There was a knock at the door.
"Who could be needing me this late?" Lamelo groaned.
Lamelo opened the door and it was no other than his friend Pj. I rolled my eyes and tried to hide behind one of the cabinets.
"Don't think I don't see you back there Shorty!" he said while winking at me.

Gross! When will he ever stop trying??
Pj let himself right in and plopped into one of the chairs at the table.
"What did you need Bro? it's getting late." Lamelo asked.

"Me and my babymomma got into it. Man she kicked me out of my own condo and told me to sleep somewhere else! So imma need somewhere to stay."

Stay?? As in Stay here?? I'm a very nice person but Pj irks my soul! He pisses me off every time he breathes.

"I don't know if that's possible... we only have two beds and there's no pullout couch in here." Lamelo said scratching the back of his head.

"Don't worry I'll just sleep with Ronnie over there. She won't mind. She's a sweet girl." He gave me a smug smile.

"Actually I do mind." I spoke up. "I don't think I'll be comfortable with that." I said while kicking my foot against the floor.
"Sorry bro, you gotta find somewhere else to sleep. Try and rent a room around here or something."

He put Pj out And came back to the kitchen.
"Sorry about all that. I know he can be annoying sometimes."
"Heavy on the annoying." I laughed
Lamelo Laughed with me too.

Lamelo helped me with the rest of the dishes and we dried our hands off. He grabbed My waist again to get to the other side of me to grab some juice.
There was that butterflies feeling again! Why do I keep Feeling this??

"Yes?" He asked while drinking his juice.
"Why are you doing this?"

The Escort (A Lamelo ball Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now