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Pop! "Owww..." I said while slowly opening my eyes.
"Shit!" Lamelo said while trying to close my eyes.
"Stop it Melo!" I said smacking his hand away.
We were on the middle of a flight. And I was still in my pjs.
"I thought you wanted to stay for an extra day." I said while rubbing my eyes.
"Change of plans." Lamelo said nervously. "It's Tally."
"Tally? What about her?"

"She got so mad last night at what she saw she's flying back to Charlotte and she's after your Mom."

My heart sunk to my ass. "MY MOM??"
This bitch was coming for my mom?? All over a misunderstanding?? Why can't people just respect me here??? Everyone is crazy.

I felt hot tears come down my cheeks already imagining what could be happening to my mom right now. Tally could be hurting her, or even worse... My stomach churned at the fact that I could possibly lose my mom for good.

Lamelo tried his best to console me but there was no use. My heart was racing as soon as we got into the car to get to my home. I was ready to fight, ready to kill, all I could see was red.

Lamelo held my hand. "Hey, it's gonna be okay. I won't let her do anything to your mom."
We finally reached my house but the door was locked. Tally's car was parked in the driveway and you could hear screams and arguing coming from the inside.
Lamelo walked down the driveway a bit.
Before I could say anything else, Lamelo ran up to the door and kicked it open.
Bam! The door slammed open and my mom was in a corner with her hands up crying.

Tally had grabbed one of the kitchen knives and all I saw was murder in her eyes. Melo Dragged Tally out of the house as she screamed and Kicked and I ran over to my mom.

"Oh Mi hija! Thank you for coming!" She cried into my shoulder
I cried with her as we sat there and hugged each other for a good couple of minutes.

After about 30 minutes everyone had calmed down and Lamelo promised my mom he would have Tally arrested for attempted murder.

That night, I made sure to lock all the doors and windows in the house. I left my moms bedroom door open and mine just in case Tally was coming back for revenge.

I still felt terrible so I went in my moms room and laid on the other side of her bed. I cried some, and hugged her. I thought today would be the day I lost my mother...just like I lost my father to violence...

The Escort (A Lamelo ball Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now