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I met up with Lamelo at a nice little restaurant.
He hugged me as we walked into the private area reserved for us.

"I know you're pregnant and all getting cravings." He said. "You sure you don't want a little happy meal or something?"

I flicked him in those nose and laughed. "Stop it Melo."
"I miss your laugh, And that beautiful smile that comes with it."

"Sorry I forgot." He pretended to flip a switch. "Co-parenting mode, On!"

That made me laugh even more as he smiled in enjoyment.

"I want you to be my escort again." He said.
"I need you, not because I'm still in love with you but because the way we would walk in and out of each game, the way you stood by my side at all times, and the way you gave me this sense of powerfulness whenever you were around."

I stood silent.
"I need you, Ronnie."he said holding my hand.
"I'll jump off a bridge for your time."

As much as I wanted to say no to remain humble, being an escort was not being his girlfriend so why not.
"Fine Lamelo. I'm giving you one sh-"

"What can I get for you two on this lovely afternoon today?" The waiter asked.
"Don't be fucking rude!" Lamelo said swatting at him. "This fine Lady was trying to talk."

I blushed a little and patted at Lamelo's hand.
"Stop it Melo.."

"Yeah, listen to your little...uh groupie."

Groupie??? The fuck did he just call me??

Lamelo stood up, locking eyes with the waiter.
"I suggest you lower your tone white boy. You don't know what I'm capable of." I tugged on Lamelo's shirt but he didn't give in.

"How about I make a little suggestion." The waiter smirked.

"Well ain't that bout a bitch!" Lamelo said throwing his hands up.
We had got kicked out of the restaurant.

"It's okay. Let's just go get something fast." I said. "Me and the baby are in the mood for some chipotle."
"Good choice." He said, opening up the car door for me.

We picked up some chipotle and went back to Lamelo's couch.

Lamelo was eating fast as usual.
I patted his back. "Lamelo slow down! I don't want you to choke."
"Aww. You really do love me." He said making a kissy face.
I rolled my eyes and laughed a little.

"So if I become your escort again." I started. "I'll have to move back to Charlotte... but I don't have anywhere to go. My mom cut me off completely because she thinks I'm a whore, Gelo lives in LA, and-"

"Just stay with me." Lamelo said.
"Lamelo... you know my rules." I said.
"We don't gotta be sexual. You can sleep in one of the guest bedrooms, decorate it how you want. You can handle yourself right?"

No, no I couldn't. It was going to be harder to stop myself from giving in too early...but I had to stay strong and keep my word.

"Okay, I'll move back in and be your escort Lamelo."
"And uh don't worry about carrying stuff or cleaning or any of that." Lamelo said. "I'll get my bodyguards to do that. I just want you by my side."

We almost went in for kiss, but stopped ourselves after remembering the rules.
We laughed it off and talked some more about the baby, me getting my job back, and he comforted me about my mom.

Ingram picked me up and we got in the car.
"So I'm going to be moving back to Charlotte with Lamelo... it's not a love thing...just that I'm working for him again and him being there for me throughout the pregnancy."
I looked out the window waiting for his angry reaction.

"That's cool. As long as I can visit to check on you and become uncle B." He patted my stomach.

"It's gonna be hard explaining to my child i slept with your uncle B."

"The lil baby don't gotta know all that." He said putting his finger to his lips.

I laughed as he continued to drive.

"I'll tell my assistants to get your things packed and you'll be all set girl. I just want you to be safe alright. Call me if I need to whoop some ass."

"I will B. I'll call you on the daily." I hugged him and he swerved the car a little.

I looked at him wide eyed.
"Sorry. It's hard to drive and hug." He said.

We finally reached the the Hotel and I went straight to putting on my night clothes.

I'm the escort once again, ready for the huge change.

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