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"Wake up sleepy head!" A male voice said.
"Yeah wake up! You've been sleep forever." Another giggled.
"What?..." I say, my eyes half open.
It was Tally and Liangelo. Seriously?! If I wanted company over I would've asked.
"How the hell did you guys get in here?" I asked annoyed while rubbing the side of my face.
"Your mom let us in." Gelo said giving me a smile.
"Ok soo tell us everything that happened with Melo!" Tally said excited. She got extra close to me, nearly breathing on me!
"Woah," I said. "Do you mind?"
"Oops, sorry." She laughed nervously. "I'm just wanna know soo bad!"
"Why? Do you like him or something? Because you can have him."
"Lamelo is NOT my type." She said scrunching her nose. "I belong to Bronny James."
"He doesn't even know you." Gelo said rolling his eyes.
"When I get a good job and move to LA, trust me I'll be his trophy wife." She said proudly.
"Anyways back to Lamelo."
"Well, I got all dressed up, Went to his game, Carried his stuff for him, and He took me home."
"Home??" Tally said wide eyed. "Likeee In the bed home??"
"No Tally, he just dropped me off at my doorstep."
Why was this girl so obsessed with me and Lamelo?? She's cool and all but god damn.
Ding! Gelo had got a text message.
"Welp." He said. "I think it's time we leave Tally, I gotta go get Leila some lunch."
Leila was Gelo's cousin. Staying with him for a while.
"Okay let's go G." Tally said getting up from my bed. "We'll see you later Ronnie!" She said while closing my door.

"Finally!" I said while exhaling.
Ring! Ring! And just as I thought I was gonna have some me time, It was Melo.
"Hey Ronnie!" Lamelo said happily.
"Thanks for picking up!"
"What do you need Melo?" I asked annoyed.
"Hey I need you to come over. Bring a suitcase with Clothes too."

Suitcase with clothes?? Where the hell are we going??
"Umm where are we going" I asked.
"We're flying out to Miami for a game. I want you to come."
"Okay let me talk to my mom about it."
"Okay. I'll send you my address just in case."
I hung up the phone and went downstairs.

"Mother dearest, Mi Amour." I said in my sweet voice.
"Okay, what do you want Mi hija? How much money do you need?" She said reaching for her wallet.
"Mom I didn't even say what I was gonna ask yet."
"Okay. Ask away."
"Can I fly out to Miami with Lamelo?" I asked.
"Fly out? To Miami? What do you two need to be doing in Miami? Alone?"
"He wants me to come with him for a game mom." I said. "Because I'm his...."

I couldn't just sit there and tell my mom I was escort. She'd probably think the other way than what it is. "Assistant." I lied. "I'm his paid assistant."
"Ohh I see." She said. "Well, if you really want to go then you can."
"Aww thank you Mom!" I said hugging her. I gave here kiss on the cheek.
"Please be safe Mi hija." She said in her serious tone. "Please call me when you get there, and before you go to sleep."
"I will mom." I ran upstairs to pack my suitcase.
I've never been to Miami before!

It sounds so fun! All the places I get to go. Free basketball games and backstage passes,and I'm getting paid for it! Life here in Charlotte is set for me! All because of Lamelo Ball.

I packed up some cute outfits, hair products, and other accessories for my trip to Miami. I kissed my mom goodbye and decided to give her the money Lamelo paid me so she could have a nice Time while I'm gone.

I knocked on Lamelo's door as he opened it happy to see me. He pulled me into a hug as we loaded our stuff into his car.
His security guard drove us straight to the airport while we walked outside.
"Why are we outside?" I asked. "Shouldn't we be at the gate waiting to get on our flight." I said pointing at the building.
"We are getting on our flight." He said. "Privately."
"I take a private Jet." He said. "I don't got time for elders, snobby middle class people, and Crybaby ass kids."

Damn. He must get annoyed easily.
We got onto his private jet, which was HUGE. It looked so nice and clean in there, So spacious, and had a small little bar for drinks and snacks.
The plane took off and we were already in the air.
"So you fly by yourself everytime?" I asked him.
"Nope. Sometimes the team flies together but you have an option to fly by yourself." He said. "Also, I don't want anyone hitting on you."

The Escort (A Lamelo ball Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now