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As Lamelo walked away, I felt like I wanted to cry. Not only is this baby something we don't want or need at the time but if I chose to have it, the baby would be in a broken home.

A mama who loves he or she, and a daddy who just doesn't care. One thing for sure is I'm keeping this baby. I feel uncomfortable taking a life, and Lamelo is going to parent with me. No child should be fatherless.

Ingram rubbed my shoulder and gave me a little smile. I gave him a weak smile back knowing Lamelo's reaction was just as I expected.

I could hear the snap of Lamelo's fingers signaling me it was time to go and carry his things.

Just in case, I got Ingram's number. He told me to call if anything happened or if I needed anything.

I hurried to the Hallway to find Lamelo and he gave me his things.
"God. Do you even wanna be paid?" Lamelo asked annoyed. "I bet that ugly fucker wouldn't pay as much as me."

"Lamelo stop it! I can't be stressed. I don't wanna lose the baby." I pleaded.
"I don't want that fucking baby anyway. And you're choosing to keep it??"

We got in the car and Lamelo kept yelling at me urging me to get an abortion. At that point I had enough, I was tired of chasing Lamelo and getting frustrated with him. If he wanted me around just to take his anger out on me, he was gonna have to do it with someone else.

"Stop the car." I said to Lamelo's chauffeur.
"Ronnie what are you doing."

"I want out. I'm not working for you anymore Lamelo. You're gonna treat me like shit, neglect your own child, and get angry with me every day." I sighed. "I can't deal with the toxicity. Unlike you, I know what love is."

"Ronnie, we're not doing this right now..." Lamelo said looking me in the eyes. "Put your seatbelt back on."

"No." I answered slamming the car door. "I'm done with you Lamelo ball.

Lamelo tried to get me back in the car but I wasn't giving in.

I knew exactly who to call Knowing I was in New Orleans. "Hey, B. Can I send you my location real quick."
"Ohh so you need me already huh?" He said snickering.
"Come on B, I'm not in a good mood right now."
"Alright. I'll reach you in a few."

Ingram finally picked me up after I waited in the dark alley for at least ten minutes.

"It's cold. You have a child and you gotta stay warm girl." He said handing me his jacket.
"Thanks." I said cracking a smile.
"There's that beautiful smile again. Hop in."

We drove back to his pace and he got me some fresh warm sheets and blankets. Ingram was so sweet. He reminded me of the old Lamelo but 10x more sweeter.

I crawled into the nice warm bed and covered up with the comforter. "I'll be in the next room over." He said pointing down the hallway.
"Okay." I grabbed his hand and looked him in the eyes. "Thank you for everything, I just met you today and you've been extremely nice to me."

"No problem." He said smiling. "Goodnight stranger." He kissed the top of my forehead.
" 'night."

He exited the room and I smiled with joy. I could make Lamelo jealous with this guy! But I'd never use Ingram like that, he was too sweet and welcoming to me.
My phone had rung and it was Lamelo. I had over 100 unread texts and missed calls from him. I decided not to answer Lamelo at all and Blocked his number.

If he didn't need me...need us... then I didn't need him.

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